The whole concept behind Pi-Hole got me hooked: A DNS sinkhole that blocks traffic I don't want (trackers, malware, etc.). And this can be done for the whole network if you set the upstream DNS server on your router to the Pi-Hole instance. So, no add blocker needed anymore.
Disclaimer: I was not able to get it working... I got the same error discussed in this thread. So, if any skilled linuxer can fix it. I'd be glad!
The instance is quickly set up in Azure thanks to this article:

Pi-hole in Azure Container Instances
Ganessh Kumar ・ May 1 ・ 2 min read
I went a little further and extended the script to replace yaml placeholders via PowerShell. Line 30 to 45 shows how the replacement is done.
# Source: | |
# Download Azure CLI optionally | |
#Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile .\AzureCLI.msi; Start-Process msiexec.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/I AzureCLI.msi /quiet'; rm .\AzureCLI.msi | |
cd $PSScriptRoot | |
$subscriptionId = "1231321332144" # shown after logging in with 'az login' | |
$rgName = "rg-pi-hole" | |
$location = "WestEurope" # use 'az account list-locations' to list all locations | |
$storageName = "piholestorage" | |
$containerGroupName = "pi-hole-container-group" | |
$containerName = "pi-hole-container" | |
$yamlOriginalFileName = "deploy-pi-hole-original.yaml" | |
$yamlModifiedFileName = "deploy-pi-hole.yaml" | |
$customDnsName = "pihole" | |
$webPassword = "superSecretLongAndCrazyPass22..334" | |
az login | |
az account set --subscription $subscriptionId | |
az group create --name $rgName --location $location | |
az storage account create --resource-group $rgName --name $storageName --location $location --sku Standard_LRS | |
az storage share create --account-name $storageName --name etc-pihole | |
az storage share create --account-name $storageName --name etc-dnsmasq | |
$STORAGE_KEY=$(az storage account keys list --resource-group $rgName --account-name $storageName --query "[0].value" --output tsv) | |
# prepare yaml file | |
$stringsToReplace = @( | |
@("<location>", $location), | |
@("<container_group_name>", $containerGroupName), | |
@("<container_name>", $containerName), | |
@("<custom_large_string>", $webPassword), | |
@("<custom_dnsname>", $customDnsName), | |
@('<value of $STORAGE_KEY>', $STORAGE_KEY), | |
@('<storage_name>', $storageName) | |
) | |
Copy-Item -Path $yamlOriginalFileName -Destination $yamlModifiedFileName | |
# Replacing all placeholder in the yaml file | |
foreach($replace in $stringsToReplace){ | |
(Get-Content $yamlModifiedFileName).replace($replace[0], $replace[1]) | Set-Content $yamlModifiedFileName | |
} | |
az container create --resource-group $rgName --file $yamlModifiedFileName | |
az container show --resource-group $rgName --name $containerGroupName --query ipAddress.ip --output tsv |
The whole gist including the yaml input file is available here.
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