Good variable names are just as important as clear function names for making code easy to understand. Here are 3 simple rules to make your variable names better:
- Meaningful Names: Replace generic names (like temp or x, y, x) with names that reflect their purpose.
❌ tempData
✅ customerOrder
- Descriptive Naming: Use descriptive terms that explain the content of the variable.
❌ isSomething (unclear what "something" is)
✅ isUserLoggedIn (clear and concise)
- Case Consistency: Pick a case convention (snake_case, camelCase) and stick to it throughout your codebase.
- Snake Case: Lowercase letters with underscores for separation (e.g., total_price)
- Camel Case: Lowercase with the first letter of each word capitalized (e.g., totalPrice)
Bonus Tip: Consider adding prefixes or suffixes for specific variable types (e.g., strFirstName, intEmployeeID).
By following these principles, your variables become self-documenting, improving code readability and maintainability for yourself and your fellow developers.
Consistent naming across functions and variables is key!
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