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Crypto Fangirl
Crypto Fangirl

Posted on • Originally published at Medium

Play2Earn - a gamer’s dream come true?

Do you still remember that day on which you were playing your favorite game and thought: „I wish somebody would pay me for what I’m doing here!“? I do. I was fantasizing about this a lot. The reality was sobering, however, and the idea vanished from my head - until the rise of crypto.

Blockchain technology has breathed new life into the play-2-earn concept and it diversified from there on. After the crypto kitties hype in 2017 - a game about breeding and trading blockchain kitties -, a number of trading card games (TCG) emerged. In these games each card represents a non-fungible token (NFT) on the blockchain, which can be traded on decentralized market places. Cards initially need to be purchased or earned and some can be upgraded over time. The idea is that adoption will drive the price, so you can make a nice profit when finally selling your collection. Representatives of this type of game are Gods Unchained or Spells of Genesis.

Gods Unchained

Some game developers extended this concept by incorporating a more complex in-game ecosystem. A simple example is the TCG Axie Infinity, where you breed cute blockchain monsters for battle. For breeding you need love potions which can be either earned in-game or purchased on any decentralized exchange. Of course, they can be sold there as well. I admit, buying and selling love potions is not yet very complex, but there are also games with bigger plans out there like Privateers Life, which aims to build a life-like ecosystem with all resources needed to be produced in-game.

Axie Infinity

It may sound like, but not all play-2-earn blockchain games are about trading cards and NFTs. In the bomberman-inspired game cryptoman, for example, you earn real-value crypto such as ETH or DAI by blowing up other players on a multiplayer-battlefield. If you manage to climb up the leaderboard high enough, you even get a share of the revenue as long as you’re holding your place. Additionally, cryptoman is frequently hosting events, such as tournaments, with special prizes and giveaways.


This, my friends, might be the beginning of a new era. With more and more projects hopping onto the play-2-earn train, it will soon be unstoppable and we’ll finally be able to make money by doing what we enjoy the most!

While the biggest chunk of work needs to be done by the game developers, we all can help making this future come true by supporting the early stage projects. So, have fun and earn some crypto!

Links to the projects mentioned in this post:

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