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Frederik Dietz
Frederik Dietz

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Vue.js Dynamic Component Rendering

In the last chapter have already seen quite a few examples of flexible components using render functions which give us a lot of power. But, since rendering a component dynamically via it's name is such a typical use case there is built-in support for that in Vue.js.

In this chapter we discuss the usage of the <component> tag.

Using the <component is> feature

As an example we use a tab navigation where the content of a tab is rendered dynamically.

Toogle Button

Example 1

Let's start with the tab content:

Vue.component('tab-home', {
  template: '<div>Home component</div>'

Vue.component('tab-posts', {
  template: '<div>Posts component</div>'

Vue.component('tab-archive', {
  template: '<div>Archive component</div>'

I'm using a common name prefix tab- here to make it easier to lookup these components later.

Now, to render the component dynamically we use the <component> tag and give it a name via the is prop:

<component is="tab-home"></component>

It is that simple! Vue then lookups the component referenced by that String and renders it in place of the <component> tag.

Now, this example is still static, let make it more dynamic. First we need to manage all our tabs in the Vue.js app:

new Vue({
  el: '#demo',
  data: {
    currentTab: 'Home',
    tabs: ['Home', 'Posts', 'Archive']
  computed: {
    currentTabComponent: function () {
      return 'tab-' + this.currentTab.toLowerCase()

We use the tabs for the list of all tabs we want to render and the currentTab to maintain the selection. The actual component's name is concatenated as a computed property currentTabComponent.

Next we look into the markup to render the tabs:

<div id="demo">
  <ul class="tab-list">
      v-for="tab in tabs"
        :class="['tab', { active: currentTab === tab }]"
        @click="currentTab = tab">


You can find the complete example on GitHub

We use a v-for directive to render a list of tabs using the currentTab to set the active class. The @click event is used to change the currentTab state. Clicking on a tab will change the background-color to visually indicate the active state.

The <component> uses the currentTabComponent computed property to render the active tab content.

Note, how it passes along the class prop to the actual component it renders. Nice!


The <component> tag is quite a powerful feature and in some use cases it might be easier to use instead of slots and custom code.

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