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Website Development Requirements 2022

Mobile-First Approach

Note: Mobile-first web design is often confused with responsive web design. However, the two are not one and the same. Responsive web design typically refers to a website that has been created to work across multiple devices, while mobile-first describes an approach in which the designer focuses on creating a site for mobile users first, then optimizes it for larger screens later on.

While Google’s quote above does not specifically mention responsive design as one of their major ranking factors for 2021, we still recommend that you create websites that are fully responsive and can be used on all devices (phones, tablets, laptops and desktops) by taking a mobile-first approach.

Progressive Web Apps

If your business is looking to build a website in the near future, you'll need to keep the principles of Progressive Web Apps in mind. Unlike regular web pages, PWAs can be saved to a user's home screen and offer an experience that's more like using a mobile app than browsing on a traditional website. This means that rather than asking users to download an app from the App Store or Google Play Store, you'll be able to simply link them to your PWA. This can save users time and make them more likely to use your service because they won't have to go through any additional steps just to get started. However, make sure that if you're transitioning from an existing regular webpage or native application, you give your users ample warning about what's changing so they'll know how to react once it's been implemented.

Additionally, PWAs run on HTTPS protocols which encrypt data sent between computers and servers so it can't be intercepted by hackers or other malicious parties. Browsers are increasingly refusing access for unencrypted pages as part of their attempts at protecting consumers' privacy—so investing in this technology now will ensure that your site is up-to-date and secure enough for browsers by 2022!

Faster Load Times

A good rule of thumb is to have your website load in under two seconds, because more than half of mobile users abandon a website that takes longer than three.

In today’s fast-moving world, having a website that loads quickly is not only important for the user experience but also for SEO. In fact, Google has announced that page speed will become a ranking factor by 2022.

Bespoke Websites and Content

“Bespoke,” meaning custom-made, is an apt word to describe the websites of the future. Decades ago, websites were built by hand—that is, they were created from scratch and required an intimate knowledge of code and design. Today's websites can be made with a combination of ready-made templates or themes and plugins that allow you to customize their look and feel. A content management system (CMS) like WordPress allows you to create content with ease. Rather than coding content into your site manually, you're able to create it in much the same way as a Microsoft Word document—and then simply "publish" it when it's complete. But there's no need to stop at simply rewriting existing websites into WordPress CMSs: if this new technology makes it easier for you to publish content without knowing how HTML works, then by all means use that newfound freedom! The more unique your website is in its format and the more unique the voice of your content is on its pages, the better chances you have of getting noticed online.
Remember what we said about not competing with Amazon? A one-of-a-kind experience will help your brand stand out among competitors in any industry.

Optimized For Voice Search

While it’s possible to search by voice on Google right now, you may not have realized that this feature currently only works through your mobile device. That’s because Google can't tell the difference between a query typed in a desktop browser and one spoken from your phone. Therefore, if you searched for “nearby barber shops” on your desktop browser, Google would assume it was just another text-based query, or simply show you the location of the nearest barber shop based on your IP address—which is not super helpful if you're looking for one in a different city.

If you were to type that same keyword into a voice search device (like an Amazon Echo), though, then it might ask for more information first: “Where are you?” It would then use the text inputted from its built-in microphone to understand what kind of barbershop results will be most relevant to its owner—so if they asked something like “How much does a haircut cost at the place next door?” Google could better interpret those terms as well! This means there's no need for any extra coding effort; all web content should already be optimized using keywords such as "nearby" and "cost" so that when someone speaks into their voice search device, it will know exactly what kind of information they're looking for without having to ask any follow up questions!

Increased Use of AI/Automation

AI will continue to be used to enhance the user experience. For example, AI can be used for website development and web design. AI can help track user data so that websites display content based on users’ preferences. AI can also help predict user behaviour.

AI will also be used for website development. Using AI, we can create a fully responsive website that works well on both mobile and desktop devices. We can make websites more accessible by creating a system that allows users to control their personalization settings with an easy-to-use interface.

We can use artificial intelligence to analyze user data and see what types of pages people are visiting most often, or what keywords they're searching for when they land on our site. Using this information, we'll be able to customize our webpages accordingly in order to deliver a more personalized experience for each individual visitor's needs and interests – no matter how unique those might be!

Website development will be more complex by 2022

In 2022, websites will need to be designed for mobile-first.
In 2022, the most important development consideration will be a positive customer experience. Customer experience is paramount, and in order to facilitate this it will become essential for web developers to focus on simplicity and speed. If a customer can’t immediately find what they are looking for on your website, they’re gone. Load times will always be a priority in web design but by 2022 the expectation for an immediate response from any site will rise even more. This is where progressive web apps (PWA) come into play.

In 2021 there were at least 2 billion smartphone users worldwide (Statista). With such a huge marketplace of potential customers out there with smartphones, PWAs have gained popularity among businesses because they provide app-like features while still functioning as regular sites that can be found via search engines. In addition to having faster load times than traditional “mobile versions” of websites, they offer other features like push notifications which allow companies to push information out directly to their customers' devices without the need for download or installation of an app; instead the user simply subscribes to updates through their browser.

In 2022 AI and automation technologies may also play larger roles in website development by becoming more sophisticated and less expensive - even small businesses could use these tools! The demand for web developers who understand coding languages like HTML5/CSS3/JavaScripts as well as how things work behind-the-scenes (like databases) will continue increasing rapidly over time since many companies now rely heavily on their online presence being up-to-date 24 hours per day every day -- not just during work hours when employees might otherwise log into systems manually from desktop computers at work locations."

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