I have been reading a bit about WebRTC and how those video conferencing apps work given the situation we're all in due COVID-19
One project that caught my attention recently was jitsi
They're open source and quite nice to work with, in their api docs they go over how to embed jitsi in your application
I decided to use that in a React project I am currently working on and made that into a shared component since I didn't find anything out there
You can see a live demo using the public jitsi domain here
Note: this is intended to be used on the desktop browser for now, to join a Jitsi room on mobile you will need their app, although checkout this PR for more information
How to use it
yarn add react-jutsu
Add the Jitsi Meet API js file to the html body
<script src='https://meet.jit.si/external_api.js'></script>
Sample Usage
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import Jutsu from 'react-jutsu'
const App = () => {
const [room, setRoom] = useState('')
const [name, setName] = useState('')
const [call, setCall] = useState(false)
const handleClick = event => {
if (room && name) setCall(true)
return call ? (
loadingComponent={<p>loading ...</p>} />
) : (
<input id='room' type='text' placeholder='Room' value={room} onChange={(e) => setRoom(e.target.value)} />
<input id='name' type='text' placeholder='Name' value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)} />
<button onClick={handleClick} type='submit'>
Start / Join
export default App
Supported Configuration
Check the Jitsi Meet API docs for more
Room Name
The meeting room name
This prop is required for jitsi to load
User Name
The participant's name
This prop is required for jitsi to load
<Jutsu domain='my-custom-domain.com'>
Your Jitsi domain to use, the default value is meet.jit.si
Loading Component
<Jutsu loadingComponent={<ProgressBar />}>
An optional loading component, the default value is <p>Loading ...</p>
style={{...containerStyle, ...containerStyles}}
style={{...jitsiContainerStyle, ...jitsiContainerStyles}}
Internally Jutsu is constructed inside 2 containers, you can add custom styles for each by specifying containerStyles
and jitsiContainerstyles
The default values are
const containerStyle = {
width: '800px',
height: '400px'
const jitsiContainerStyle = {
display: loading ? 'none' : 'block', // <- used for loadingComponent logic
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
An example override could be
<Jutsu containerStyles={{ width: '1200px', height: '800px' }}>
Feel free to grab it out for your next project or help me modify it to suit your needs, the code is open source and you can find it on github
<Jutsu />
A jitsi meet component wrapper and custom hook moulded with react's chakra
yarn add react-jutsu
Add the Jitsi Meet API js file to the html body
<script src='https://meet.jit.si/external_api.js'></script>
You can choose to load the script another way, the hook will return an error until the jitsi API is available in
Two options
You can use the provided component for simple scenarios or the hook for access to the jitsi meet api
import { Jutsu } from 'react-jutsu' // Component
import { useJitsi } from 'react-jutsu' // Custom hook
Sample Usage (Hook)
import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useJitsi } from 'react-jutsu'
const App = () => {
const jitsiConfig = {
roomName: 'konoha',
displayName: 'Naruto Uzumaki',
Top comments (5)
How to add options here .
Not working while adding like =>
Please see attachment image
Hey, I can't see your attachment, but I recommend you checkout the github repo for more information and open an issue there if you still can't do what you are attempting to do
this-fifo / jutsu
A jitsi meet component wrapper and custom hook moulded with react's chakra 💠
<Jutsu />
View live demo
Add the Jitsi Meet API js file to the html body
Two options
Sample Usage (Hook)
Hi! Nice article! Just one point, is it right "yarn add react-jutsu"? Or it'd be react-jitsi?
Thanks for the great post! :)
Hey, it is indeed
, it was supposed to be some wordplay joke but not many people get it and it was terrible too 😂Here's the npm package npmjs.com/package/react-jutsu
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