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10 Questions You Should Ask In A Web Dev Interview

Milecia on May 09, 2019

You've reached an exciting point in the job hunting process! The interviewer called to set up a date and time, you've practiced all of your answers...
perigk profile image
Periklis Gkolias

Nice list. I would also add

What it is the training policy of the company? A company with no training policy or benefits, at least in the software sector, is completely worthless ( unless we are speaking for early startups where I can excuse them)

How do you handle absurd customer demands? You don't want to work with a company that has no idea how to push back

austinstanding profile image
Austin Standing • Edited

A great resource for me is KeyValues. You put in the attributes you look for in a company, and it will filter down questions and details about how to use them to get the information you are looking for.

My favorite (I care about work/life balance):

What's the typical day, week, and weekend like in the life of an engineer here?

Shoutout to @lynnetye !

lynnetye profile image
Lynne Tye

🙌 Woop woop!

Glad you find Culture Queries useful, Austin! ❤️

lukewduncan profile image
Luke Duncan

Love this Milecia! Great article and will definitely keep these in mind for the future.

I always like asking what the career paths are within the position.


  • What are the considerations for a promotion within the company?
  • How are salary increases considered? (time based?, work based?, company projections based?)
  • What is the typical path of position xyz in the company after a few years?

It just gives you a good glimpse of what the next few months or years might look like for you professionally :)

laurieontech profile image

These are great questions! I normally ask about training opportunities and on call. But the examples above are even more all-encompassing on those topics.

nikosdev profile image
Nikos Kanakis

Nice Article Milecia!

I would also add remote working, it's a huge plus for me :D

figspville profile image
Salli Figler

Great questions that really focus on the job and process. So often we are so excited to be in an actual in person interview that we hear the job requirements, know we can do them but forget to ask the hard questions related to how we are going to do the job to succeed.

viniciuskneves profile image
Vinicius Kiatkoski Neves

Reaaally nice!

Some people focus too much only on the tech side and forget about the rest which is extremely important.

I think it is also useful to ask things about:

  • Budget for training/conferences and so on, so you know how much they are willing to invest on you besides time for learning.
  • If you do care, it is also worth asking about open source. Do they embrace it? Is it part of the culture?

Thanks and definitely gonna save it!

oathkeeper profile image
Divyesh Parmar

Wow currently I am working as Junior dev and I am giving more than 25 interviews in two weeks, I would say this is the most helpful list. I am facing much hardness but yeah it will earn me a good opportunity

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes • Edited

My only question would be:

Do the developers own the process?

dylanesque profile image
Michael Caveney

I've almost certainly gotten stung before in phone screens for not asking enough questions, but some of these wouldn't have occurred to me. Well done, this is super helpful!

newfrontendweekly profile image


Can I reprint the translation into Chinese and share it with Chinese developers? I will point out the source and author.

flippedcoding profile image

Sure! That would be great. Thank you!

newfrontendweekly profile image

Thanks !

Chinese link:《web 开发面试时你应该提出的 10 个问题》

kenbellows profile image
Ken Bellows

There was one place I knew of that used their email attachments for their file backups!

😕 😲 😨 😱

flippedcoding profile image

It really was that cringe-inducing. They didn't have a clue.

bugsysailor profile image
Bugsy Sailor

Excellent list of Qs! Wish I had these a long time ago. Bravo.

jmervine profile image
Joshua Mervine

Do developers get time to learn on the job?

So good! Should always be asked and required.

olegkoval profile image
Ed • Edited

Thanks for great questions @flippedcoding , a great contribution to our collection of Interview Questions at

namstel profile image

I'm definitely writing these down, great questions!

fgiraldi profile image

Last year I was looking for a new job. This list would be more than helpful. Now I have and I know if I need itm I got it.
Thank you very much!