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Potential issues with barrel files in Webpack


Barrel files make the development more convenient, but how do they impact the bundle files generated by Webpack?

In this article, we will discuss the question above. I will demonstrate how to configure Webpack to work with barrel files and dynamic import and how it's recommended to create modules. As incorrect config of Webpack can lead to different issues, some of them being performance issues as a result of unused code and others being visual issues.

We will examine several solutions and go through a process together to find the optimal solution.

This article assumes familiarity with optimization configuration of Webpack. Therefore, If you're new to this topic, I recommend reading my previous article on Tree shaking in Webpack before continuing reading this article.


If you utilize barrel files with code splitting and employ regular CSS imports in your projects, I highly recommend using the babel-plugin-transform-barrels plugin instead of manually configuring sideEffects. This plugin will help prevent unexpected visual issues on your webpage and effectively reduce the size of your bundle files.

Furthermore, if code splitting is part of your development approach, I suggest creating modules with only one export each, whenever possible. This practice significantly decreases the size of your bundle files.

Additionally, for code splitting scenarios, I highly recommend leveraging the splitChunks configuration as explained in this article. This configuration allows for the elimination of duplicate code of common modules found in different chunks and will create a common chunk for common modules, resulting in optimized bundle files.

What are barrel files (index.js)?

Before we dive into the issues and because most of them were caused by barrel files, I want to explain what barrel files are and their appropriate use cases. I will focus on the advantages, but you can learn more about their advantages and disadvantages in the Additional Resources section below.

A barrel is a file that re-exports other modules' exports into a single file. In my opinion, it is better to use one level of barrel files in the folder structure. It's not recommended to create a barrel file for every folder.

Developers use barrel files (index.js) for the following development purposes:

  1. It makes the code more readable by shortening import path and decreasing the number of lines of code.


    Without barrel files

    import { Button } from './components/Button/Button'
    import { Avatar } from './components/Avatar/Avatar'
    import { List } from './components/List/List'

    With barrel files

    import { Button, Avatar, List } from './components'
  2. When creating a third-party library and wanting to make specific functions public for consumers.

    The following quote from yuchant on Github issue provides a good explanation:

    Barrel files are effectively an API. A specific interface that distinguishes private vs public code.

  3. Changes in the module's internal structure don't affect the library's consumers.

Additional Resources:

Are TypeScript Barrel Files an Anti-pattern?

Barrel files in Webpack

After we have seen the advantages of using barrel files and how they improve our developer experience, now we will see their usage and how they affect the bundle files.

As we have already learned in the previous article about Tree shaking in Webpack, when there is no use of optimization, every module and its dependencies that exist in the code will be included in bundle files. So when we import a barrel file module, all the re-exported modules included inside it will be included in the bundle files, even modules that are not in use. This will increase the size of the bundle files and consequently harm performance.

Optimization properties

Because barrel files can increase dramatically our bundle files size, we will use barrel files with usedExports and sideEffects optimization properties to eliminate unused code. Therefore in our example, modules in barrel files whose exports are not used will not be included in the final bundle files.

First, let's look at the main files of the example:


const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin");
module.exports = {
  mode: "development",
  optimization: {
    usedExports: true,
    sideEffects: true,
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: [MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, "css-loader"],
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import GreenSection from "./components/Sections/GreenSection/GreenSection";
import RedSection from "./components/Sections/RedSection/RedSection";
import { BlueStrong } from "./components/Strongs";

function App() {
  return (
      <BlueStrong>Blue strong component (Direct Import)</BlueStrong>
      <hr />
      <GreenSection />
      <hr />
      <RedSection />

export default App;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


import { GreenText } from "../../Texts";
import { GreenButton } from "../../Buttons/GreenButton/GreenButton";
import { getTenNumber } from "../../../tools/numberFunctions/numberFunctions";

function GreenSection() {
  const tenNum = getTenNumber();
  return (
      <GreenText>Green text component (Indirect import - Barrel)</GreenText>
      <GreenText>Green ten number: {tenNum}</GreenText>
      <GreenButton>Green button component (Direct import)</GreenButton>

export default GreenSection;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


import { RedText } from "../../Texts";
import { RedButton } from "../../Buttons/RedButton/RedButton";
import { getThousandNumber } from "../../../tools/numberFunctions/numberFunctions";

function RedSection() {
  const thousandNum = getThousandNumber();
  return (
      <RedText>Red text component (Indirect import - Barrel)</RedText>
      <RedText>Red thousand number: {thousandNum}</RedText>
      <RedButton>Red button component (Direct import)</RedButton>

export default RedSection;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Before we bundle our example, let's briefly review the code above and especially the imported modules.

Let's take a look at App.js, we can see that three components are in use: BlueStrong, GreenSection and RedSection.

GreenSection.js and RedSection.js modules are performing module imports according to the appropriate color from subdirectories of Buttons and Texts, as well as importing a module numberFunctions.js.

The only module that we will import indirectly from a barrel file will be from Texts. The remaining modules will be imported directly as we have always done.

Each appropriate module of color inside the subdirectories of Buttons, Strongs and Texts has imported also a CSS file for each.

After we did a short brief about how the code is implemented, we will describe in short what we expect to see in the rendered webpage. The first line should be in the blue color, 2-4 lines should be in green color and 5-7 lines should be in red color.

We can see in the webpack.config.js file, that there is a rule about CSS files that use the loader of mini-css-extract-plugin, so each time Webpack parse the CSS files it process the loader and will inject the content of the CSS files into chunk file. In our example it will be main.css.

During the bundling process, we expect that it will produce two files (JS and CSS files).

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

The build process created two files as expected: main.js and main.css.

Let's take a look at the browser and check the rendered page:


The page was rendered as expected.

Now let's analyze the bundle files.

It would be easier to understand if we organized all bundle files in a table according to the following columns:

  1. Bundle file name.
  2. List of modules that combined to the bundle file. It's after sideEffects optimization effect.
  3. The included functions (Actual) inside the bundle file. It's after usedExports optimization effect.
  4. The functions that the bundle file should include (Expected) for the most optimized desired bundle file.

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, Button.js, GreenButton.js,
RedButton.js, GreenSection.js, RedSection.js,
BlueStrong.js, Strong.js, Texts/index.js,
GreenText.js, RedText.js, Text.js,
App, Button, GreenButton,
RedButton, GreenSection, RedSection,
BlueStrong, Strong, GreenText,
RedText, Text, getTenNumber,
App, Button, GreenButton,
RedButton, GreenSection, RedSection,
BlueStrong, Strong, GreenText,
RedText, Text, getTenNumber,

Let's take a look in the JS bundle file:


/* unused harmony export getHundredNumber */
function getTenNumber() {
  return 10;
function getHundredNumber() {
  return 100;
function getThousandNumber() {
  return 1000;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In the main.js file, we can see that Webpack bundled all the used functions, including the unused getHundredNumber function, which is marked as an unused harmony export by the usedExports property. Note that the RedText component is imported from "Texts/index.js", which is a barrel file, so all re-exported modules of the barrel file should be included, such as the BlueText module. But because we use the sideEffects property and the BlueText module is not used and doesn't have side effects, it is excluded from the bundled file.

Let's analyze the CSS bundle files:

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css Text, RedText, BlueText, GreenText,
Button, GreenButton, RedButton,
Strong, BlueStrong
Text, RedText, GreenText, Button,
GreenButton, RedButton, Strong,

In the main.css file, we can see an unused class selector for .BlueText because we imported a barrel file module that includes the unused BlueText module. While the BlueText module was being evaluated, the BlueText.css file was extracted by the mini-css-extract-plugin plugin and added to the main.css file. Afterwards, BlueText was eliminated from main.js due to the sideEffects: true property. We will continue to monitor this unnecessary CSS selector. Note that unnecessary CSS selectors only come from unused modules that are re-exported in used barrel files. For example, there is no .BlueButton CSS selector because GreenButton and RedButton are directly imported rather than through a barrel file.

So we have an issue that we want to solve: we don't want the unnecessary .BlueText CSS selector and we want our JS and CSS to be as small as possible.

We have two ways to solve it:

  1. Change the imports of the GreenText and RedText to be direct imports instead of indirect imports (index.js - barrel file), so this will prevent the BlueText module and its CSS file from being loaded. This is similar to why the .BlueButton CSS selector is not present in the CSS file because GreenButton and RedButton are directly imported.
  2. Since the BlueText.js module has an unused export and our project only has side effects in CSS files, we can manually define which modules have side effects using the config option sideEffects: ["*.css"] and then the remaining modules with unused exports like BlueText.js will be flagged as having no side effects. This will prevent evaluation of the BlueText.js module and extraction of its CSS file content through the loader.

Dynamic import (Lazy loading in React)

After we saw that using barrel files can cause unused CSS files content to be included in CSS bundle file and we disscused the optional solutions, now I want to check the using barrel files inside a module that dynamically imported.

Dynamic import of a module is usually used when we want to load the module in specific conditions (inside if statement or event handler). If these conditions are not met, the code inside this module will not be evaluated, so we don't really need to download this module while the conditions are not met. So here Webpack comes to help. Webpack will create a bundle file for each module that is dynamically imported and for its dependencies and only download and evaluate this module when the conditions are met.

For example, in React there is a package named react-router-dom that allows render specific components for a specific URL path and render different components for a different URL path. In this case, it's recommended to use in lazy loading to make the components' modules downloaded from the server only when they are used. To make it happen, Webpack will create a new bundle file for each lazy loaded module with its dependencies.

As described in Webpack website:

Dynamically load modules. Calls to import() are treated as split points, meaning the requested module and its children are split out into a separate chunk.

Dynamic import in Webpack is important for improving performance of initial loading because it allows us to only download and evaluate what is needed on each webpage. This means we can include in the bundle file only the necessary modules for the initial loading and as a result make smaller bundle file that then make our webpage load faster.

For our example, and to keep it simple, we will change only the imports of RedSection.js and GreenSection.js to be dynamic imports without conditionally use them so both of them always will be downloaded in the initial loading of the webpage. We expect that Webpack will create three JS bundle files instead one.

As we remember, RedSection.js and GreenSection.js modules have two direct common modules: Texts/index.js and numberFunctions.js that uses different functions inside them. How webpack will handle it? Are the common modules will be included only in both bundle files? Or maybe only in the main bundle file? Or maybe a fourth bundle file will be created for common modules? The answer we will see after the bundling process of the example.

Let's create an example and see the files it produces.

Clone the previous 1-optimization-sideEffects example into a new 2-lazy-loading example and make the following changes to the App.js file:


- import GreenSection from "./components/Sections/GreenSection/GreenSection";
- import RedSection from "./components/Sections/RedSection/RedSection";
  import { BlueStrong } from "./components/Strongs/BlueStrong/BlueStrong";
+ import { lazy, Suspense } from "react";

+ const GreenSection = lazy(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'GreenSection' */ "./components/Sections/GreenSection/GreenSection"));
+ const RedSection = lazy(() => import(/* webpackChunkName: 'RedSection' */ "./components/Sections/RedSection/RedSection"));

  function App() {
    return (
+       <Suspense fallback={<></>}>
            <BlueStrong>Blue strong component (Direct Import)</BlueStrong>
            <hr />
            <GreenSection />
            <hr />
            <RedSection />
+       </Suspense>

  export default App;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

This produces the following files:

  1. main.js and main.css.
  2. GreenSection.js and GreenSection.css - New files.
  3. RedSection.js and RedSection.css - New files.

Let's take a look at the rendered page in the browser:


We see that the Green button component (direct import), which is part of the GreenSection, has turned black instead of being green. Why did this happen?

First, let's take a look at the DevTools:


We can see that the .Button CSS selector appears twice. The GreenSection.css file loads both .Button and .GreenButton, but then .Button is loaded again but from the RedSection.css file. Loading the .Button CSS selector only once from GreenSection.css file will solve this problem. This happens because the Button.js module loaded twice instead of once, causing it to override the green color with black. The order in which CSS properties (in our case color) are applied is determined by their order of loading, where properties from class selectors loaded later will override those from earlier class selectors.

Now let's analyze our bundle files.

It would be easier to understand if we organized all bundle files in a table according to the following columns:

  1. Bundle file name.
  2. List of modules that combined to the bundle file. It's after sideEffects optimization effect.
  3. The included functions (Actual) inside the bundle file. It's after usedExports optimization effect.
  4. The functions that the bundle file should include (Expected) for the most optimized desired bundle file.

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, BlueStrong.js, Strong.js BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.js Button.js, GreenButton.js, GreenSection.js,
GreenText.js, RedText.js, Text.js,
Texts/index.js, numberFunctions.js
Button, GreenButton, GreenSection,
GreenText, RedText, Text,
getTenNumber, getThousandNumber
GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
RedSection.js Button.js, RedButton.js, RedSection.js,
GreenText.js, RedText.js, Text.js,
Texts/index.js, numberFunctions.js
Button, RedButton, RedSection, GreenText,
RedText, Text, getTenNumber,
RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
*common.js Text, Button

Note: The common.js is not produced by the build process. It's my suggestion for a bundle file for functions that are used by more than one JS bundle file.

Explanation of JS bundle files

  1. First, we will check in what bundle files the common modules Texts/index.js and numberFunctions.js of GreenSection.js and RedSection.js source files are included. It can be seen in the table above that they are included inside RedSection.js and GreenSection.js bundle files. We expected that the usedExports and sideEffects optimization properties would eliminate the unused code separately in each RedSection.js and GreenSection.js bundle files. Unfortunately Webpack doesn't do that. We can see in both bundle files that the content of the imported modules are the same to the first example where only BlueText.js module and getHundredNumber function are eliminated. Unfortunately, the usedExports and sideEffects optimizations performed on the entire code are the same as in the first example without dynamic imports. Therefore, the RedSection.js bundle file will include also the unused GreenText.js module and getTenNumber function and the GreenSection.js bundle file will include also the unused RedText.js module and getThousandNumber function. The Texts/index.js and numberFunctions.js modules have different solutions. For Texts/index.js, we can use the same solution I suggested in the first example. For numberFunctions.js, we can use the solution of separating the module to 3 different modules that each one will have one function and then import the function from his specific module.
  2. In addition, Text.js and Button.js are indirectly common modules imported from Texts/index.js, GreenButton.js and RedButton.js modules. Therefore, Text.js and Button.js modules content appear in both GreenSection.js and RedSection.js bundle files that uses the same functions (Text and Button functions). This results a duplicate code, and our goal is to reduce their size. To solve this issue, we should try creating a separate bundle file for common modules which have the same used functions of both sections. Since Text.js and Button.js are modules with one function each, we can conclude that both sections are using the same functions from these modules.

Let's analyze the CSS bundle files.

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.css Text, RedText, BlueText, GreenText,
Button, GreenButton
GreenText, GreenButton
RedSection.css Text, RedText, BlueText, GreenText,
Button, RedButton
RedText, RedButton
common.css Text, Button

Explanation of CSS bundle files:

  1. The main.css file has class selectors for .Strong and .BlueStrong because we use the BlueStrong component in the App.js file and it works as expected.
  2. In the CSS bundle files of GreenSection.css and RedSection.css modules, we can see that the .BlueText CSS class selector appears even when the BlueText component isn't used. We already talked about the reason why it happened in the first example and that there are two ways to solve it and we will try these options later.
  3. The .GreenText appears in RedSection.css and .RedText appears in GreenSection.css, even though both of them aren't useful and need to be eliminated. It happened because their modules (GreenText.js and RedText.js) are imported from the barrel file of Texts/index.js. Later we will see if the solution for .BlueText will help us solve this issue as well.

Let's summarize the issues for the example of lazy loading:

  1. Green button component (direct import) button has a black color instead green.
  2. getTenNumber and getThousandNumber functions exist in both GreenSection.js and RedSection.js bundle files instead, getTenNumber should only be included in GreenSection.js and getThousandNumber should only be included in RedSection.js. The same applies to the unused RedText in the GreenSection.js bundle file and the unused GreenText in the RedSection.js bundle file. Why did this happen? Because the optimizations of usedExports and sideEffects occurred to the entire code and not separately to each bundle file.
  3. Text.js and Button.js modules appear in two bundle files of GreenSection.js and RedSection.js instead of in one common bundle file for both sections.
  4. .BlueText exists in both bundle CSS files even though it is unused. .RedText should be eliminated from GreenSection.css bundle file and .GreenText should be eliminated from RedSection.css bundle file.

Splitting bundle files can cause new issues. Some of these issues can affect performance, while others can cause unexpected visual issues that are more critical because they affect the user experience. So first, let's try to fix style issues and unnecessary duplicate code by using the optimization configuration of the splitChunks property. After that, we will address unused functions and CSS selectors to decrease the size of bundle files.

Create a separate bundle file for common modules

In the previous chapter on dynamic import, we saw that each dynamic import in Webpack produces JS and CSS bundle files. In addition, commonly used modules exist in all bundle files that use these modules. As a result, there are CSS classes that are loaded twice and also duplicate Javascript code. This behavior causes four issues, one of which is an unexpected visual issue.

To address this, we can use the splitChunks property to create a bundle file of common modules.

Let's clone the previous example 2-lazy-loading to 3-splitChunks and change the Webpack config file as follows:


module.exports = {
  mode: "development",
  optimization: {
    usedExports: true,
    sideEffects: true,
+   splitChunks: {
+     cacheGroups: {
+       default: false,
+       defaultVendors: false,
+       src: {
+     test: /[\\/]src[\\/]/,
+     minSize: 0,
+     priority: 100,
+     name: (module, chunks) => {
+       const allChunksNames ={ name }) => name).join(".");
+       return `${allChunksNames}`;
+     },
+     chunks: "all",
+   },
+     },
+   },
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Let's briefly explain what splitChunks is doing with the configuration above. It traverses each module that includes the src directory in its path and assigns a bundle file name to each traversed module through the name property. The bundle file name of the traversed module will be the name of the chunk names (webpackChunkName magic comment inside import() statement) of dynamically imported modules that include this traversed module. For example the module numberFunctions.js is included in GreenSection.js and RedSection.js source files that are dynamically imported, so the bundle file name that the module numberFunctions.js should be inside is GreenSection.RedSection.js.

I think my configuration above is better than the configuration described in the article webpack 4: Code Splitting, chunk graph and the splitChunks optimization because I control the name of the bundle files to be the name of the dynamically imported modules.

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

It produces the following files:

  1. main.js and main.css.
  2. GreenSection.js and GreenSection.css.
  3. RedSection.js and RedSection.css.
  4. GreenSection.RedSection.js and GreenSection.RedSection.css - New files.

In comparison to the previous example 2-lazy-loading, it generated GreenSection.RedSection.js and GreenSection.RedSection.css bundle files in addition.

Now let's take a look in the browser and check the rendered page:


We see that the Green button component (direct import) is rendered with the green color as expected.

Let's inspect the button element:


We can see that the .Button CSS selector now appears only once in the common bundle file GreenSection.RedSection.css, so with the splitChunks property, we have finally solved this visual issue.

Let's analyze the bundle files:

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, BlueStrong.js, Strong.js BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.js GreenButton.js, GreenSection.js GreenButton, GreenSection GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
RedSection.js RedButton.js, RedSection.js RedButton, RedSection RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
GreenSection.RedSection.js Button.js, GreenText.js, RedText.js,
Text.js, Texts/index.js,
Button, GreenText, RedText,
Text, getTenNumber,
Text, Button

Explanation of JS bundle files

  1. If we take a look at the file GreenSection.RedSection.js, we can see that commonly used modules of the GreenSection.js and RedSection.js modules are included, such as the Button.js and Text.js modules, as expected. So we have solved this issue. Note: The Button.js and Text.js modules are indirectly imported modules through RedText.js, GreenText.js, GreenButton.js and RedButton.js modules.
  2. The bundle file GreenSection.RedSection.js also includes the GreenText, RedText, getTenNumber, and getThousandNumber functions. These functions should not be in this common bundle file and they are part of the common bundle file because Webpack splits bundle files according to their used common module and not used common function. According to our case, the GreenSection.js and RedSection.js modules import the same modules Texts/index.js and numberFunctions.js, so these modules and their dependencies are included in the common bundle module GreenSection.RedSection.js. The desired result we wantis that GreenText and getTenNumber should be in the GreenSection.js bundle file and RedText and getThousandNumber should be in the RedSection.js bundle file.

Let's analyze the CSS bundle files.

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.css GreenButton GreenText, GreenButton
RedSection.css RedButton RedText, RedButton
GreenSection.RedSection.css Text, RedText, BlueText, GreenText, Button Text, Button

Explanation of CSS bundle files:

  1. .BlueText is included in GreenSection.RedSection.css even though it is unused. This happened because we import a barrel file of Texts/index.js that first loads the re-exported modules and while evaluating these modules it extracted CSS contents by the CSS loader and then eliminates unused code. It happened for the same reason as in the first example.
  2. .RedText and .GreenText are included in GreenSection.RedSection.css, when they should included in RedSection.css and GreenSection.css, respectively. This happened for the same reason as we mentioned about their JS files, that they are indirectly imported through a barrel file. Webpack creates a common bundle file because the common module of Text/index.js is imported in both GreenSection.js and in RedSection.js.

Let's summarize the current opened issues:

Summary of Javascript issues:

  1. GreenText and RedText modules are included in the common bundle file GreenSection.RedSection.js instead in their specific bundle files GreenSection.js and RedSection.js, respectively. Because they are imported indirectly through a barrel file Texts/index.js that it is the common module. If we will want to render one section file instead of the two sections, then we will download unused code. For example, if we load a page that renders only GreenSection component but conditionally renders RedSection component, then the downloaded bundle will include RedText.js even though we don't need it now.
  2. GreenSection.RedSection.js bundle file include getTenNumber and getThousandNumber functions instead GreenSection.js bundle file include only getTenNumber and RedSection.js bundle file include only getThousandNumber.

Summary of CSS issues:

  1. .BlueText exist in common bundle CSS GreenSection.RedSection.css even it is unused.
  2. .RedText and .GreenText shouldn't be in GreenSection.RedSection.css bundle file. They should be in RedSection.css and GreenSection.css, respectively. The behavior of .RedText and .GreenText happened because the using of barrel file.

Our conclusions for now:

  1. Using direct import instead of indirect import (barrel files) solves most of the issues.
  2. Using one function per module instead of multiple functions per module solves the issues of the numberFunctions module.

Manual configuration of sideEffects solution

One of our conclusions in the previous example was that the use of barrel files can cause issues when dynamic import is used. It seems that usedExports marks unused exports for the whole code as a one bundle file only and not for each separate bundle file. When we made direct imports with the GreenButton and RedButton components, it worked properly.

In my Tree shaking in Webpack article, we learned that we can manually configure which modules in our project have side effects and which don't.

Also from that article, we know for sure that CSS files are considered to have side effects, so we need to flag them with side effects. Barrel files in our case only have re-exported functions, so we can say that we don't use direct imports from barrel files and they also don't have side effects, so we can flag barrel files without side effects.

Webpack's team talked about the purpose of the manual sideEffects property in their conference and explained that it comes to solve the issue of big bundle files when using of barrel files.

So let's try to solve our issues from the previous example with a manual configuration of sideEffects in package.json.

Let's clone the previous example 3-splitChunks to 4-package-sideEffects and change the package config file as follows:


  "name": "example-module",
+ "sideEffects": ["*.css"],
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

Let's take a look in the browser and check the rendered page:


We see that the Blue strong component (Direct Import) text is black when it should be blue. This is a visual issue. Why did this strange behavior occur?

First, let's look at the dev tools:


We can see that .Strong overrides .BlueStrong because .Strong is in a higher position. Why did this change? In the previous examples, .BlueStrong overrode .Strong. This happened because of the sideEffects property.

So I started to research this issue.

I found an issue where Hypnosphi complained that there were differences between development and production when he configured sideEffects: false, so he noticed that the order of CSS was not the order of the imports but the usage order. In another issue, there is an answer from sokra (a Webpack team member) who wrote:

Technically using sideEffects you say order doesn't matter

Another answer from sokra:

If the order of some modules matter they are not side-effect-free.

So let's go back to our case.

We evaluate the BlueStrong.js module that first imports the Strong component and then BlueStrong.css. But because we flagged modules with sideEffects manually, Webpack will first evaluate import module statements flagged with side effects and then evaluate used modules flagged without side effects in the order of their use. So the import of BlueStrong.css will be evaluated first and then we use the Strong.js that will be evaluated with Strong.css inside of it.

Let's analyze bundle files:

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, BlueStrong.js, Strong.js BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.js GreenButton.js, GreenSection.js,
GreenButton, GreenSection, GreenText GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
RedSection.js RedButton.js, RedSection.js,
RedButton, RedSection, RedText RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
GreenSection.RedSection.js Button.js, Text.js,
Button, Text, getTenNumber,
Text, Button

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.css GreenText, GreenButton GreenText, GreenButton
RedSection.css RedText, RedButton RedText, RedButton
GreenSection.RedSection.css Text, Button Text, Button

In the CSS table above, we can see for the first time that CSS files have the expected class selectors. So for now, we know for sure that the size of the CSS files is as small as possible.

Let's check if our previous example issues are solved:

  1. GreenText and RedText are in their correct bundle files GreenSection.js and RedSection.js, respectively. sideEffects solved the issue of imported modules from barrel files.
  2. .BlueText, which previously existed in the common bundle CSS file GreenSection.RedSection.css even though it was unused, is now eliminated. .RedText and .GreenText are in RedSection.css and GreenSection.css, respectively. sideEffects solved the issue caused by the barrel file.
  3. getTenNumber and getThousandNumber still exist in the GreenSection.RedSection.js bundle file instead of getTenNumber being only inside GreenSection.js and getThousandNumber being only inside RedSection.js.

Let's summarize the current open issues:

  1. getTenNumber and getThousandNumber still exist in the GreenSection.RedSection.js bundle file, instead of having only getTenNumber in GreenSection.js and only getThousandNumber in RedSection.js.
  2. .Strong overrides .BlueStrong when it should be the opposite. This is a result of the sideEffects: ["*.css"] configuration that changing the order of imports based on usage of a module rather than by the order of import statements (except for CSS imports). This causes a visual issue.

I have considered several solutions for the second issue:

  1. Convert CSS files to CSS Modules and change the sideEffects: ["*.css"] configuration to sideEffects: false.
  2. Create a plugin that moves all CSS import statements to the end of the module if sideEffects: ["*.css"] is defined in package.json.
  3. Change import statements from indirect imports through a barrel file to direct imports.

All of these solutions should work, but the first two solutions with configuration of sideEffects in package.json will change the import order to be determined by usage. The third solution, on the other hand, follows the order of import statements as ES Modules behavior. Since I want to follow my principle of having the bundle file resemble ES Modules behavior, the third solution is the better choice.

We still want to use barrel files because they make our code more readable and improve our developer experience. In the next chapter, we will try to develop an automatic transformation for our code that changes indirect imports through a barrel file to direct imports.


I know that Babel can transform code during the build process of Webpack. So I found some plugins (#1, #2, #3) that will transform the import statements from indirect import (through barrel file) to direct import, but all of them require specific configuration for each package. So I decided to develop a Babel plugin that will transform code with imports from barrel files into code with direct imports without needing configuration.

Kent C. Dodds talked about the problem of unnecessary CSS class selectors in this video and about his solution. It is based on a plugin that requires specific configuration, something that I don't want.

During the bundling process, my babel plugin transforms the line of code as follows:

From an indirect import (barrel file):

import { RedText } from "../../Texts";
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

To a direct import:

import { RedText } from '../../Texts/RedText/RedText';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

My babel plugin prevents the inclusion of unused reexported modules from barrel files in the bundle file. This leads to a reduction in bundle size, thereby improving overall performance.

Now, let's install the plugin:

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-transform-barrels

Now we need to add the plugin to the webpack config file which has a rule with a loader of babel-loader:


        test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        loader: require.resolve("babel-loader"),
        options: {
          presets: [["@babel/preset-react"]],
+         plugins: [["transform-barrels", { webpackConfigFilename: __filename, ...(typeof module.exports === "function" && { args: arguments })}]],
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

Let's take a look in the browser and check the rendered page:


We see that the "Blue strong component (Direct Import)" has the blue color as expected.

Let's look at the dev tools:


So even though the CSS table in this example is the same as in the previous example, the rendered page is different because now class selectors are loaded in the order of their import statements, as expected, rather than in the order of their usage.

We can see that .BlueStrong overrides .Strong, so this issue is solved.

Let's analyze bundle files:

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, BlueStrong.js, Strong.js BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.js GreenButton.js, GreenSection.js,
GreenButton, GreenSection, GreenText GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
RedSection.js RedButton.js, RedSection.js,
RedButton, RedSection, RedText RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
GreenSection.RedSection.js Button.js, Text.js,
Button, Text, getTenNumber,
Text, Button

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.css GreenText, GreenButton GreenText, GreenButton
RedSection.css RedText, RedButton RedText, RedButton
GreenSection.RedSection.css Text, Button Text, Button

As we can see in the Javascript and CSS tables above, there is no difference compared to the previous example 4-package-sideEffects.

Let's summarize the current open issues:

  1. getTenNumber and getThousandNumber still exist in the GreenSection.RedSection.js bundle file instead of getTenNumber being only included in GreenSection.js and getThousandNumber being only included in RedSection.js.

The numberFunctions.js module has 3 function exports. If we split the module into 3 separate modules, each with one function export, it should resolve the issue.

Function per module

Before I try my optional solution, I searched for open issues on Webpack's Github repository and found the same issue we faced, but there is no solution provided by the Webpack team.

I checked a popular package with tree shaking support called Lodash. Lodash has a separate module per function. This allows the package to fully support tree shaking.

We will try this approach and see if it resolves our issue from the previous example.

Let's clone the previous example 5-babel-plugin to 6-function-per-module.

Now let's split the exports getTenNumber, getHundredNumber, and getThousandNumber from src\tools\numberFunctions\numberFunctions.js into 3 modules: getTenNumber.js, getHundredNumber.js, and getThousandNumber.js, respectively. And create a barrel file for the src\tools\numberFunctions directory. Now change the import statements of these functions in the GreenSection.js and RedSection.js modules.

Now run npx webpack in the terminal window.

Let's take a look in the browser and check the rendered page:


Everything looks great in our rendered page.

Let's analyze bundle files:

Javascript bundle files

Bundle file Bundled modules Actual functions Expected functions
main.js App.js, BlueStrong.js, Strong.js BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.js GreenButton.js, GreenSection.js,
GreenText.js, getTenNumber.js
GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
GreenText, GreenButton, GreenSection,
RedSection.js RedButton.js, RedSection.js,
RedText.js, getThousandNumber.js
RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
RedText, RedButton, RedSection,
GreenSection.RedSection.js Button.js, Text.js Text, Button Text, Button

CSS bundle files

Bundle file Actual classes Expected classes
main.css BlueStrong, Strong BlueStrong, Strong
GreenSection.css GreenText, GreenButton GreenText, GreenButton
RedSection.css RedText, RedButton RedText, RedButton
GreenSection.RedSection.css Text, Button Text, Button

Now getTenNumber and getThousandNumber no longer included in the GreenSection.RedSection.js bundle file. Instead, getTenNumber is included only in GreenSection.js and getThousandNumber is included only in RedSection.js.

We have successfully overcome all of our performance and visual issues. Now our project is optimized. We managed to minimize the size of the project by reducing the amount of CSS and Javascript code. The project only loads what it needs.


In this article, we encountered inefficient bundle files and visual issues in the browser when using barrel files with dynamic import that caused our bundle files to split into different chunks with unused Javascript code. We conducted a step-by-step examination to determine the best way to solve these issues.

We found 2 particular reasons for the issues:

  1. Using barrel files in our code.
  2. Using a module with more than one export.

The issues occurred because usedExports and sideEffects optimizations performed at the entirely code. So for example, in the numberFunctions.js module, usedExports first checks if its exports are used and sees that the getTenNumber function export is used by GreenSection and the getThousandNumber function export is used by RedSection and the getHundredNumber function is not used anywhere so it marks only getHundredNumber as an unused harmony export. Only after this evaluation of code, Webpack inject the code of numberFunctions.js module with the optimizations that were made into GreenSection.js and RedSection.js bundle files as we saw in the 2-lazy-loading example.

The way we solved each issue:

  1. Using a Babel plugin babel-plugin-transform-barrels that transforms indirect imports (barrel files) into direct imports during the bundle process.
  2. Splitting modules with more than one function into several modules with one function each.

I hope that in the future, the Webpack team will address and resolve the issues I have demonstrated in this article without any special plugin or configuration.

Additional Resources:

  1. Your Next.js Bundle Will Thank You - It's about barrel files and sideEffects solution.
  2. Do a barrel export - A brief overview of tools for barrel files.

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