In recent years, cryptocurrencies and blockchains are two uprising fields, so today, I will share my way of creating a blockchain in Javascript in ...
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Thank you sincerely for writing a post titled like this that doesn't just: include a library, set some parameters, and call a function - those kind of posts are garbage.
Dev.to needs more posts like this - real content that is actually interesting. Please keep up the good work 👍
I think that maybe another post showing differences between
it' s the real deal....
Being serious, I wish we have more quality posts like this.
Like this one?
I totally agree! I hate those posts/tutorials that do nothing but use a package and doesnt explain anything
Thanks a lot man!
Please write about Proof of stake
Sure! Follow me to get the notification of the next article!
Smart contracts would be great
Very interesting. I was with you until your mentioning log16(difficulty): where do you use this log16 function? As a parameter in the mine function? Elsewhere?
What I meant was log base 16 of the difficulty, it is a better since the "real difficulty" should not drop or increase by a huge margin, and Bitcoin also uses it.
You can create a simple
function like this:So the new
method should look like this:Also, for a little bonus, Bitcoin also requires 8 zeros by default so if you want to make it Bitcoin-like, it should be
"00000000"+Array(Math.round(log16(difficulty)) + 1).join("0")
.Thank you! That's is very clear. Effectively not as a parameter in the mine function as I mistakenly mentioned it but included in the calculation itself. It looks like the proof of work starts quite harsh with 8 zeroes and evolves quite slowly because of log16. Except maybe if one more "0" adds a lot of more difficulty in the computational demand.
I dare to say this post is one of the best I've read on dev.to.
I'd love to read more about
, perhaps also the more upgraded variations you mention.PS: I'd like to add that I used your post and replicated its functionality in typescript. It's longer than 60 lines, but I would like to publish it to a Public Github Repos.
Would you grant me the permission to do so? I'd add a reference to your article and to your github repos as well.
Of course you can! The code is 100% open-source and the whole point of this article is sharing knowledge!
I think the most complex is to make the consensus of the network, the way of mining (proof of work for example) the block acceptance rules and the entire ecosystem, the blockchain itself is just a "database".
Thanks for commenting this, I have learnt a lot of Simply Explained!
Good post for understanding the basics. The only thing left is some simple synchronisation with a network and the solution of the Byzantine Generals Problem offered by Satoshi.
For me (with effectively zero blockchain knowledge but advanced JavaScript), I was with you until the 'nonce' and 'mine' part. I think I'll have to check out the YouTube you linked to get the full story there! Regardless, this did help clarify a few of the basics for me, so thank you!
"Catching up to others" after changing the chain is impossible without the need to compute "nonce" anyway, right? Since the hash always include the previous hash, that does ensure the order is preserved too, so what, is the point of "nonce", except just for supporting the mining dificulty? Is that it's only purpose?
Great work! thanks for taking the time to craft this pure-value post!
In a peer to peer network: If you don't have the nonce value, you can change data and then change the hash to what getHash returns, same with prevHash. You can do that with all following blocks and still get a valid chain. You can do that with thousands of nodes and manipulate the chain. But with PoW, it's not dependent on the majority of nodes, it depends on the length of the chain. If you submit a faulty chain, and you don't have enough computational power, your chain will likely be shorter and shorter than the chain from normal miners as time progresses, so your chain will be invalid. And technically, because of rewards, people would like to contribute to the chain more than attacking it.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm learning as I'm writing :D
Please continue the series.
Sure man!
cool stuff!
Is there a possibility of you teach us how to do it in another language?
Before I forget: thank you for the post. It will help me a lot.
I picked Javascript because it's pretty widely used and easy. I might write some variations of this in different languages and upload it to the JeChain repository on Github. In the mean time, I think you can try to write your own by following the concepts mentioned in the article :D
I will do.
Thank you for your work, I will try it
Thanks man! New posts will come out soon, hope you'll check them out until then!!!
continue please
good post! from vietnam with love
Very nice article!
Thank you a lot for the article!
I think you can keep doing this as a serie here and continue to write a full crypto currency 😁
Great post!
It helps me better understanding this topic. Thank you for your sharing!
Glad I could help!
Thank you for this article. Appreciate this effort.
Please, if possible, kindly write about Non- Fungible Tokens and full cryptocurrency.
great post there
This is interesting. I've wanted to read up on this to get some basic understanding. Great article
This is awesome! It helps me to understand a little bit better what's happening under the hood.
Marvelous to deep understand blockchain, I would like to suggest the smart contracts version
Wow, I am also student but definitely gonna study this
Nice job bro, can I open a Pull request coding a c# version of your code?
Thanks for this masterpiece 🙏🙏
Excellent post. Please continue the series, maybe with proof of stake, which I think is the logical following post.
Thank you for the post
Thanks! I'm planning to write a proof-of-stake system soon!
I really enjoyed this piece @freakcdev297
This article helped me to better understand Blockchain on an easy way. Great work!! Please continue writing this series.
Can you please make a full cryptocurrency tutorial?
Your welcome, stay tuned because I will release new articles about blockchain soon!
Have just updated a system to calculate mining difficulty!
Pliz create a topic about node.js
Writing and deploying contracts (token contract, MasterChef) in solidity, creating a front end and Connecting the front end Dapp (yield farm) to the blockchain with web3JS.
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