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my attempt at a coded blackjack game in python.

So i start off making a list of the possible card values, (i think theyre all right, although i researched blackjack i dont understand it other than the really really basic functions), and i make a counter for the card values and it pulls a random card from the list of 52 cards, and depending on the value weather it has more but is still under 21 than the other player is how it is determined.

link to my github for this project

from random import randint
A = 1
J = 10
K = 10
Q = 10
all_cards = [A, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, K, Q]
new_list = []
for x in range(len(all_cards)):
    z = 0
    while z < 4:
        z += 1
player_1_counter = 0
player_1_final_val = 21313
player_2_final_val = 12312
player_2_counter = 0
print("Player 1's turn.")
#starting cards for deck
player_1_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
player_1_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
while player_1_counter != player_1_final_val:
    if player_1_counter > 21:
        player_1_final_val = player_1_counter
        print("Value over 21, player 1 you lose")
    elif player_1_counter == 21:
        player_1_final_val = player_1_counter
        print("you got 21!")
    elif player_1_counter <= 21:
        next_instruction1 = input("Would you like to 'hit' or 'stand?")
        if next_instruction1 == 'hit':
            player_1_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
        elif next_instruction1 == 'stand':
            player_1_final_val = player_1_counter
print("player 2's turn.")
player_2_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
player_2_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
while player_2_counter != player_2_final_val:
    if player_2_counter > 21:
        player_2_final_val = player_2_counter
        print("Value over 21, player 2 you lose")
    elif player_2_counter == 21:
        player_2_final_val = player_2_counter
        print("you got 21!")
    elif player_2_counter < 21:
        next_instruction2 = input("Would you like to 'hit' or 'stand?")
        if next_instruction2 == 'hit':
            player_2_counter += new_list[randint(0, len(new_list)-1)]
        elif next_instruction2 == 'stand':
            player_2_final_val = player_2_counter
if player_2_final_val == player_1_final_val:
    print("its a tie! restart the game to try again.")
elif player_1_final_val > player_2_final_val:
    if player_1_final_val <= 21:
        print("player 1 won! congrats.")
    elif player_1_final_val > 21:
        print("player 2 won! congrats")
elif player_2_final_val > player_1_final_val:
    print("player 2 won! congrats")
    if player_2_final_val <= 21:
        print("player 2 won! congrats.")
    elif player_2_final_val > 21:
        print("player 1 won! congrats")
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

any tips or criticism will be appreciated, trying to improve and if i made a mistake that you can point out please comment so i can note it to improve for my later projects.

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