Navigating the Challenges of Server-Side Frameworks for Node.js, Deno.js, and Bun.js
I'm writing this article to talk about two things.
- The heavy and cumbersome nature of server-sider frameworks for NodeJs, Denojs and Bunjs
- The solution y'all been waiting for!
let's walk in.
Cumbersome? what's cumbersome?
What's the Challenge?
Things become cumbersome when they tends to create a dependency tree, complicated interfaces, limited innovation, excessive abstraction layers, and most of all using solutions that implies heavy runtime overhead. If you've ever felt trapped in this situation, you're not alone.
As a software engineer i always have this phylosophy of simplicity is easier to manage and extend. The tool I'm about to introduce aligns with this philosophy, providing a refreshing perspective in this early 2024 and beyound.
The Culprits in most node Frameworks.
High learning curve, Abstraction layers, Convention over Configuration, Middleware management, boiler-platey codes, Configuration Overheads, Dependency Injection overhead, debugging challeges, updates and compartibility dramas.
Not to make this article too long and creating a debate over the value of whatever advantages or disadvantages. i won't go much into detail on which tools is lacking or what's not.
Instead, Let's find out something better.

JetPath is one of Bun's fastest web frameworks.
benchmark repo
JetPath is Javascripts's easiest backend library.
JetPath repo
Many are obviously fed up of dealing with heavy and cumbersome server-side frameworks for our Node.js, Deno.js, and Bun.js applications. Looking into JetPath
which revolutionize our development experience With its lightweight design and intuitive routing patterns, JetPath
takes server-side JavaScript frameworks to a new level of innovation and simplicity.
Whether you're using Node.js, Deno.js, or Bun.js, JetPath
adapts seamlessly to your preferred runtime. Let's look into JetPath
maybe it will solve all your problems.
It's a runtime 'Drop in' it only use the native http api of the runtime you run your app with, so zero http compartibility overhead.
With a simple design and high performance, JetPath
offers a refreshing experience, i have ever seen. this is new innovation.
Fast, Small, and Easy-Peasy
JetPath is a small and efficient framework, weighing in at just 5kb. Its lightweight nature bare level of abstraction ensures your applications performs optimally without unnecessary overhead. Additionally, JetPath
offers an easy-to-use context (ctx) API.
The Need for more Speed and Simplicity
When it comes to server-side frameworks, speed and simplicity are of utmost importance. JetPath's aim is to avoid performance bottle necks, with a lightweight and minimalist design that emphasizes on speed and simplicity.
It's has an inbuilt intuitive routing system, which uses function names as routing patterns, sets it apart from traditional frameworks like Express or Fastify. This innovative approach simplifies your code and enhances the readability of your routing logic, making it easier to design and manage your API(s) with unparalleled granularity.
The Power of JetPath
seamlessly adapts to your preferred runtime. With JetPath, you have the flexibility to choose the runtime that best suits your project's requirements without sacrificing the simplicity and speed that JetPath
offers. Why limit yourself to a single runtime when JetPath
empowers you to explore all three? with no extra steps, configurations or overheads!!!
Exploring How JetPath's Work
JetPath operates by searching through your source folder and automatically assembling any exported defined paths and hooks functions following its intuitive route patterns.
This seamless integration saves you precious development time and effort. Instead of spending time configuring and setting up routes you just write them as the function name and you can focus on crafting your application's core logic while JetPath
handles the rest for you.
's minimalist and efficient approach streamlines the development process, allowing you to build powerful server applications with ease and speed.
Easy Setup and Configuration
Getting started with JetPath
is a breeze. Simply install JetPath
using npm or your preferred JavaScript package manager:
npm install jetpath --save
Once installed, configure your JetPath instance with necessary options, such as setting the source folder for your routes and specifying the port you want to listen on. Here's an example:
import { JetPath } from "jetpath";
const app = new JetPath({
source: "./src", // Optional: Set the source folder for your routes
port: 3000, // Optional: Specify the port you want to listen on
cors: true, // Optional: Enable CORS support
// Start listening for requests
With just a few lines of code, you're up and running with JetPath, ready to take advantage of its speed and simplicity.
Core features of JetPath
These features are the core of JetPath.
Function Names as Routing Patterns
JetPath introduces an innovation where your function names declares the routing pattern for the function. This unique approach eliminates the need for complex configuration files and enables you to define routes with ease.
My first testimony - ( more below )
not going to spend time thinnking about what to name this function anymore, cus now i know!
Pre, Post, and Error Request Hooks
JetPath provides hooks that allows you to execute code before and after each request, as well as handle any runtime errors that may occur. These hooks offer unparalleled flexibility to customize the behavior of your application. Whether you need to manipulate data, validate requests, or handle errors gracefully, JetPath
's hooks has got you covered.
Decoration Hook
This allows you to extend the power of the CTX object that is avaible on every request by adding your custom functionality, like auth or specific Utils needed by your app on every request.
Built-in CORS Handlers
JetPath has an built-in CORS hook. Enable CORS support with a simple iniatilisation option, and JetPath
takes care of the rest.
Requirements and Installation
JetPath is built for the major server-side JavaScript runtimes, Node.js, Deno.js, and Bun.js. Additionally, it offers experimental support for environments like Deno Deploy and edge runtimes such as Cloudflare Workers (coming soon). To get started, simply install JetPath
using your preferred package manager:
npm i `jetpath` --save
Getting Started with JetPath
Using JetPath
is incredibly straightforward. Let's walk through a basic app setup to demonstrate the simplicity of JetPath:
import { JetPath } from "jetpath";
const app = new JetPath({
source: "./src", // Optional: Set the source folder for your routes
port: 3000, // Optional: Specify the port you want to listen on
cors: true, // Optional: Enable CORS support
// Start listening for requests
Example Routes
To provide a better understanding of JetPath's capabilities, let's take a look at
some example routes:
// File: src/routes/cats.js
// GET localhost:8080/
export function GET_cats(ctx) {
ctx.set("token", "0x00000");
ctx.reply("Welcome home, `JetPath` fellas!");
// GET localhost:8080/cats
export function GET_cats(ctx) {
ctx.reply({ foo: "bar" });
// ctx.throw(400, "meow");
// POST localhost:8080/cats
export async function POST_cats(ctx) {
console.log(await ctx.text());
ctx.reply("Enter skelter");
// GET localhost:8080/cats/friday/12/male
export async function GET_cats$name$age$sex(ctx) {
const { name, age, sex } = ctx.params;
`Hello ${name}, you are ${age} years old and you are ${sex}. Thanks for visiting the JetPath App!`
// GET localhost:8080/cats?*
export async function GET_cats$$(ctx) {
const { name, age, sex } =;
`Hello ${name}, you are ${age} years old and you are ${sex}. Thanks for visiting the JetPath App!`
// GET localhost:8080/default/dog/types
export async function GET_default_dog_types(ctx) {
// custom ctx methods
// Hooks
export function hook__POST(ctx, data) {
// console.log("POST boohoo");
return data;
export function hook__PRE(ctx) {
// console.log("PRE function boohoo");
return data;
export function hook__ERROR(ctx, err) {
ctx.throw(400, "Bad request!");
// hook to decorate the CTX
export function hook__DECORATOR() {
return {
sendDefaultDoglist() {
types: [
"german sheepherd",
"neopolitan mastiff",
"golden retrieval",
We define routes using function names, allowing for clear and concise code. JetPath
also supports pre and post-request hooks, providing extra flexibility for customizations. Additionally, JetPath
includes inbuilt CORS hooks, things everyone web dev needs :).
It's time to JetPath, JetPath, Jet.
JetPath is the game-changing innovation you've been waiting for — a fast, minimalist framework that empowers you to build powerful server applications with ease. With its lightning speed, simplicity-driven design, and passionate community, JetPath
is the ideal choice for your Node.js, Deno.js, or Bun.js projects.
My testimony
Jetpath greatly reduced the code on all my node code-bases and let me focus on what's important.
Wait i forgot to mention my apis are several orders of magnitude faster than previous frameworks my projects were based on.
Add your testimonies below
Some read-world codes (copied with permission)
export async function POST_admin_create_product(ctx: AppCTXType) {
await productSchema.validateData(await ctx.json()).catch((e) => {
ctx.throw(400, e); // code stopped executing here if erred
}); // ignore it don't share my data validator library it's too fast.
ctx.body.category = ctx.body.category.toLowerCase().trim();
ctx.body.uploadedOn = new Date().toDateString();
const product = new Product(ctx.body);
const data = await;
ctx.reply({ data, status: 201, message: "ok" });
export async function Get_products_search$query(ctx: AppCTXType) {
if (!ctx.params.query) return undefined; // post hook handovers
const search = await Product.find({
title: { $regex: ctx.params.query, $options: "i" },
share the love, tell someone about JetPath. i told my friends and my mum.
Joining the Community
Our Telegram group with other web tools i have made like Exabase and Cradova, stuffs you would love.
Where's JetPath future gonna be like?
currently we are working on integration with industry tools like
- Logger (easy)
- Swagger (in progress)
- Web Socket (in the next release)
- http stream (in the next release)
- file upload (in the next release)
Those in (in the next release) can be done easily by getting the req object from ctx, but it's going to be available by default soon.
What about Logger?
I major just use this jet-logger solution. the developer added a way to persit to a log file which is nice.
// npm i jet-logger
import logger from 'jet-logger';
// hook to decorate the CTX
export function hook__DECORATOR() {
return {
error(msg) {
This road map is short and narrow to what everyone would benenfit from the most, if you have any suggestions kindly reach out to me on the community.
If you want to make npm packages for JetPath and need support, send a dm.
dog names suggestions was provided by @da-favice.
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Don't forget to share your thoughts below.