DEV Community

Frontend Mentor

Improve your coding skills by building real projects

Solve real-world HTML, CSS and JavaScript challenges whilst working to professional designs. Join over 12,000 developers building projects, reviewing code, and helping each other get better.

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Practice your JavaScript skills by building a Character Counter app

Practice your JavaScript skills by building a Character Counter app

2 min read
Introducing Frontend Mentor for Teams!

Introducing Frontend Mentor for Teams!

3 min read
Introducing the new Frontend Mentor Hiring platform!

Introducing the new Frontend Mentor Hiring platform!

Comments 4
5 min read
A better way to discover junior front-end developers

A better way to discover junior front-end developers

Comments 16
4 min read
16 front-end projects (with designs) to help improve your coding skills

16 front-end projects (with designs) to help improve your coding skills

Comments 64
12 min read
Introducing Frontend Mentor - Supercharge your front-end skills by building real projects

Introducing Frontend Mentor - Supercharge your front-end skills by building real projects

Comments 52
3 min read