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Top-10 Posts for FE (Week 2, Apr 2023)

Here are the top 10 posts from the past week that will be useful to front-end developers and beyond. The selection was made on the basis of their interestingness, uniqueness, presentation, usefulness and subjective assessment of the author.

A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Your First GraphQL Query

This article provides a beginner-friendly guide to writing GraphQL queries.

A Comprehensive Guide to Writing Your First GraphQL Query

Object Oriented Programming with Typescript

This article is a comprehensive guide to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in TypeScript, covering classes, objects, inheritance, interfaces, and more.

Object Oriented Programming with Typescript

CSS Viewport Units: A Beginner’s Guide

The article provides a detailed explanation of viewport units in CSS, including how they work and examples of their usage, and also discusses their advantages and disadvantages.

CSS Viewport Units: A Beginner’s Guide

New HTML Element: search

This article introduces the new HTML element <search> and discusses its potential use cases in web development.

New HTML Element: <search>

How to make Responsive Web designs in CSS: Tips and Tricks

This article provides tips and tricks on making responsive web designs using CSS, including fluid grids, media queries, and flexbox.

How to make Responsive Web designs in CSS: Tips and Tricks

The weird ways you can create triangles with CSS

This article explores various methods to create triangles using CSS, including pseudo-elements, borders, transforms, and clip-path.

The weird ways you can create triangles with CSS

When to use currying in JavaScript

This article explores the concept of currying in JavaScript, explaining what it is, when it is useful, and providing practical examples to demonstrate how to use it.

When to use currying in JavaScript

Costly CSS Properties and How to Optimize Them

This article provides a detailed explanation of how certain CSS properties can have a significant impact on performance and offers tips for optimizing them to improve website speed and user experience.

Costly CSS Properties and How to Optimize Them

A history of web layout techniques: From frames to WebAssembly

This article explores the evolution of web layout techniques, from the early days of frames and tables to the more modern approaches using Flexbox and Grid, and even looks at the potential of WebAssembly for layout in the future.

A history of web layout techniques: From frames to WebAssembly

Demystifying React Hooks: Usage, Examples, and Common Mistakes

The article provides an in-depth guide to understanding React Hooks, their usage, common mistakes, and examples of how to use them.

Demystifying React Hooks: Usage, Examples, and Common Mistakes

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