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Code With Heroines : SSL && Unification of China under the Han Dynasty

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This represents the official discipline of Confucian studies introduced by Emperor Wu, emphasizing the importance of secure and reliable knowledge, much like how SSL ensures secure data transmission.

Unification of China under the Han Dynasty

The Han Dynasty was unified under the rule of Liu Bang (202-195 BC), the Han Dynasty's founder, instead of the Qin Dynasty.
Rather than implementing drastic reforms, Liu Bang combined the county and prefecture system with the feudal system, initially appointing lords from his family and meritorious vassals. However, family members soon replaced these lords, leading to the Wu-Chuzhou Rebellion in 154 BCE, which the government suppressed, consolidating its power. A centralized government was established during Emperor Wu's reign (141-87 BCE). Emperor Wu introduced a nomination-based system for appointing officials and made Confucian studies an official discipline. He pursued aggressive foreign policies, defeating the Xiongnu and expanding territory into northern Vietnam and the Korean peninsula. Despite an unsuccessful alliance with the Dajue clan in Central Asia, his efforts opened the way for managing the western regions.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a mechanism for encrypting communications between the server that stores a website and the browser.
The most important reason for installing SSL is to protect the information of website users. Suppose personal details or credit card information is transmitted without encryption. In that case, there is a risk of being intercepted and misused, so SSL is necessary to ensure that users can use the website with peace of mind.
In addition, from the SEO perspective, there is a growing movement toward the introduction of SSL, and although it has been adopted as a ranking factor and warnings have been displayed for sites without SSL (non-https) for some time, from October 2023, “http” will be automatically changed to “https” on browsers such as Chrome HTTPS first mode was applied.
At first glance, SSL seems secure by itself when it is installed, but there are pitfalls.
As I mentioned, SSL is an encryption mechanism between the server and the browser; it does not guarantee the website's security that the user accesses. It is not uncommon to find phishing sites with SSL installed.


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