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Prompt Engineering

In this post we will discover about prompt engineering and why it will be beneficial for you to know about it.

> So basically prompt engineering is the art to get a better and more accurate results from the existing AI tools.

So first of all what is a prompt?
Prompt is the command we give to the AI to elicit the response from AI it is the example of the NLP it takes the command in the form of our natural language it is same like programming but instead of writing codes we just give prompts to the computer to work upon and give us the response.

What will be the benefits of having this skill or generally what are the usefulness of prompt engineering?
It is a basic skill that doesn't demand that much of your time but surely will provide practical use, it saves time and also provides us with better more accurate results, if we ask better questions we will get better results it is as simple as this.

General tips :

  • It is always a good practice if you give very detailed question and ask very specifically what you need in response for example when asking to write a poem you can specify 'topic', 'paragraph', 'rhyming scheme' and even in style of which poet all and so so many things better to give it all your thoughts and tell it exactly what you want from its response

  • Try to give it an example of a question-solution before asking the same kind of question like before asking a reasoning question of age type problems give it an example of this type of question with step by step solution this will surely increase the accuracy of the answer and will also give you a step by step solution.

Some methods of Prompting:-

  1. Role Prompting- In this method of prompting we give role to our AI chatbot for ex- "you are a dancer, you are elon musk" by giving these types of roles to AI it helps it to better understand its situation and how it should answer the question. If you want to ask a math related question tell the model that "you are the greatest mathematician ever and you can solve any math related question with ease" by doing this you will get better results rather than directly asking the question.

2.Shot Prompting - There are multiple types of shot prompting that are zero shot prompting, one shot prompting and multiple shot prompting zero shot prompting is when we don't provide any example or structure to follow in this case AI has a whole lot options in the way it want to respond but if you want your response more personalized and suitable for certain task you can provide it with some examples and pattern to follow if you give one example it is one shot prompting and if you give it multiple example it is multiple shot prompting.

  1. Chain of thought prompting - COT prompting is asking the AI to explain its reasoning it is that simple now there are two types of COT prompting that are by giving example to the AI and including the COT method in it this will definitely increase accuracy of our result and another way is no shot COT in this we just add the phrase like "lets take a step by step approach" or "show it in step wise manner" it is not much different from the previous method but if you have a complex task and don't have any example you can use this one but if you have the resources it is encouraged to give it that pattern or example as it is always a good practice.

Now what does prompt engineering holds for us in future to be honest not much in some time there will be tools that will help us in writing good prompts or even whole chatbots that generate better prompts themselves but till that it is a must have skill because we all know AI is a powerful tool and it can make a big difference in productivity between people who can give it better prompt and another is just using it like other 99% of people

I didn't use any AI to write because I just like to write Thankyou

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