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Gaurav De
Gaurav De

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How I started my coding journey

Ever since I was very young, I was always into computers. I had always wondered how these things worked, it seemed as though if it were magic. Back in my school days, I was always very excited for the days when we would be having computer classes. Especially the practical ones, because that was the only time when I could actually use a computer since we had none at home back in the day. We were taught most of the basics about computers at school, and with each passing day my passion to know more about them grew.

When I had graduated from high school, I had made up my mind to enroll into a college course where I could learn about programming So I ended up enrolling into a program on Computer Applications. Throughout my college life, I learned about a lot of things starting from the basics of programming where we were introduced about the C language to stuff related to data structures, operating systems, databases , and so on.

Although I learned about so many things, I couldn't still fixate on my mind about what I really wanted to do. Because, computer science is an absolutely vast field. You can do thousands of things starting from developing web apps, to mobile apps, and thousands of other things.

I had always been a fanatic about games. I always enjoyed playing computer games. So it came up to my mind that I could be developing these games myself that I enjoy playing, so I decided to give it a try. After a bit of research I came to know about game engines that already come with an entirely pre-made framework for us so that we can focus on programming the actual game. So I ended up learning C# and the Unity Game Engine. I did end up making a few basic games which you can play here:


Now, if I jump back to the present, then it came to my mind that I should have a portfolio to showcase all of my projects. So I decided to properly learn about web development and truly fell in love with it. Previously I had always relied on things like WordPress but when I actually dove into the realm of Html, CSS and JavaScript I realized how fun it was.

So I did end up making a simple portfolio website for myself which you can check out here:

For now, I feel I will explore web development a bit more, and put game development to the side as a 'hobby'. I am looking forward to learning more along this journey!

-Thanks for reading till the end of my first blog.

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