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Gervais Yao Amoah
Gervais Yao Amoah

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Key Cloud Computing Terms for Beginners

Understanding cloud computing can be simplified by relating the key concepts to everyday experiences. In this post, we’ll break down essential cloud computing terms with clear definitions, real-world analogies, and examples of how they’re used.

1. Cloud Computing

  • What it is: Cloud computing is the on-demand delivery of IT resources like computing power, storage, and services over the internet. Instead of buying and maintaining physical infrastructure, businesses rent resources from cloud providers.

  • Analogy: It’s like using Netflix for movies. Instead of owning DVDs, you stream movies on demand over the internet whenever you want, without worrying about maintaining the physical media or devices.

  • Use Case: Netflix itself is a great example of cloud computing. The platform uses cloud servers to stream content to millions of users worldwide, without needing to own physical servers to do so.

2. Cloud Migration

  • What it is: Cloud migration is the process of moving data, applications, and IT systems from on-premises infrastructure to the cloud or from one cloud provider to another.

  • Analogy: Think of it like moving all your files from your local hard drive to Google Drive. Instead of storing everything on your own device, you access your files via the internet, giving you more flexibility and accessibility.

  • Use Case: Companies like Dropbox have undergone cloud migration, moving from AWS to their own infrastructure to better manage data and reduce costs.

3. Containerization

  • What it is: Containerization involves packaging an application and all its dependencies into a "container," ensuring that it can run consistently in any environment.

  • Analogy: It’s like Starbucks standardizing their recipes globally. No matter where you go, you’ll get the same coffee experience because each location has the same ingredients and tools to make it. Similarly, a container ensures an application behaves the same no matter where it runs.

  • Use Case: Spotify uses containerization to deploy services across multiple regions. Containers allow them to ensure that their app runs the same in every location, providing a consistent music streaming experience.

4. Kubernetes & Docker

  • What it is: Docker is a platform that helps developers create and manage containers, while Kubernetes automates the deployment and scaling of those containers across many environments.

  • Analogy: Think of Docker as the kitchen inside a food truck—it contains everything needed to prepare food. Kubernetes is like the central office that manages where all the food trucks (containers) go and how many meals they need to prepare based on demand.

  • Use Case: Pokémon GO used Kubernetes and Docker to manage the massive scale of traffic they receive during special events. Kubernetes helps them scale their game services based on player demand.

5. Edge Computing

  • What it is: Edge computing refers to processing data close to where it is generated, rather than sending it to a centralized cloud server. This reduces latency and improves speed for time-sensitive applications.

  • Analogy: It’s like getting fast food from a restaurant next to your house instead of ordering from a location in another city. You get your food much faster because it’s prepared nearby, reducing delivery time.

  • Use Case: Self-driving cars rely on edge computing to process data from sensors in real time. By processing data locally in the car, it allows for quick decision-making, such as stopping for pedestrians.

6. Public Cloud

  • What it is: A public cloud is a cloud computing service where resources are shared among multiple customers and are available to the general public.

  • Analogy: It’s like a public library. Anyone can access the books (resources), but the space and materials are shared among all the users.

  • Use Case: Gmail is an example of a public cloud service. Google hosts the infrastructure, and users access their emails through a shared cloud service.

7. Private Cloud

  • What it is: A private cloud is dedicated to a single organization and is not shared with other users. It offers more control and security compared to public clouds.

  • Analogy: It’s like having a private library in your home. Only you (or people you invite) can use it, giving you more control over the space and resources.

  • Use Case: Many financial institutions use private clouds to handle sensitive data securely while maintaining control over their infrastructure.

8. Hybrid Cloud

  • What it is: A hybrid cloud combines both private and public cloud elements, allowing organizations to use their private infrastructure for some workloads and the public cloud for others.

  • Analogy: Imagine having a home library but also visiting a public library for specialized books. You use your private resources for regular needs and tap into public resources when you need something extra.

  • Use Case: Companies like Netflix use a hybrid cloud approach, storing customer data on private servers but using public cloud resources for scaling their video streaming.

9. Serverless Computing

  • What it is: Serverless computing allows developers to focus solely on writing code without worrying about managing the infrastructure. The cloud provider automatically handles scaling and resource allocation.

  • Analogy: It’s like ordering takeout instead of cooking at home. You don’t need to worry about gathering ingredients, cooking, or cleaning up—the restaurant (cloud provider) handles everything, and you just enjoy the meal (run your code).

  • Use Case: Amazon Alexa skills are built using serverless computing. Developers write the skill, and Amazon handles running it, only charging when the skill is used.

10. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • What it is: IaaS provides virtualized computing resources like servers, storage, and networking over the internet, giving businesses control over the infrastructure while the cloud provider manages the physical hardware.

  • Analogy: It’s like renting a car. You get the vehicle, but you’re responsible for driving it and maintaining it during your rental period. You have control, but the provider manages the underlying resources (hardware).

  • Use Case: Companies like Airbnb use AWS EC2 (an IaaS offering) to rent virtual servers that can scale up or down based on their needs.

11. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

  • What it is: PaaS provides a platform for developers to build, run, and deploy applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure.

  • Analogy: It’s like renting a fully furnished office. You don’t need to bring in furniture or worry about utilities. You can just move in and start working (building your app) while the platform handles the rest.

  • Use Case: Google App Engine is a popular PaaS that allows developers to build applications quickly without managing the infrastructure.

12. Software as a Service (SaaS)

  • What it is: SaaS delivers fully functional software applications over the Internet. Users don’t need to install or manage the software; they simply access it through a web browser.

  • Analogy: Using Google Docs is a great example of SaaS. You don’t need to install anything on your computer. You just log in and start working, while Google manages the software and storage.

  • Use Case: Zoom is another example of SaaS. Users can access video conferencing software through their browser without needing to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

13. Shared Responsibility Model

  • What it is: The shared responsibility model outlines the security responsibilities shared between the cloud provider and the customer. The provider secures the infrastructure, while the customer is responsible for securing their data, applications, and user access.

  • Analogy: Renting an apartment with security services. The landlord is responsible for securing the building (locks, cameras), but you must lock your door and keep your valuables safe. Both you and the landlord share the responsibility for security.

  • Use Case: When using AWS, the provider secures the physical data centers and cloud infrastructure, but you are responsible for configuring your applications, managing user permissions, and securing your data.


By breaking down cloud computing concepts into simple definitions, analogies, and use cases, we can see how these technologies fit into everyday life. Whether it’s renting a car, using Google Docs, or ordering takeout, these analogies help demystify cloud computing, making it easier for beginners to understand.


This blog post is inspired by the course Cloud Computing Terms Every Beginner Should Know by Lucy Wang. Special thanks to her for providing valuable insights that helped shape this content.

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