Some useful plugins/extensions for VSCode IDE.
To install the plugins quickly, launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl + P), paste the command and press Enter.
ext install <plugin>
- Beautify - HookyQR - Beautify code in place for VS Code.
ext install HookyQR.beautify
- Code Runner - Jun Han - Run code snippet or code file for multiple languages.
ext install formulahendry.code-runner
- CodeMetrics - Kiss TamΓ‘s - Computes complexity in TypeScript / JavaScript / Lua files.
ext install kisstkondoros.vscode-codemetrics
- ESLint - Dirk Baeumer - Integrates ESLint JavaScript into VS Code.
ext install dbaeumer.vscode-eslint
- GitLens - Eric Amodio - Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code.
ext install eamodio.gitlens
- vscode-icons - VSCode Icons Team - Icons for Visual Studio Code.
ext install vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons
For specific languages
- Jupyter - Microsoft - Jupyter notebook support, interactive programming and computing that supports Intellisense, debugging and more.
ext install ms-toolsai.jupyter
- Pylance - Microsoft - A performant, feature-rich language server for Python in VS Code.
ext install ms-python.vscode-pylance
- Python - Microsoft - IntelliSense (Pylance), Linting, Debugging (multi-threaded, remote), Jupyter Notebooks, code formatting, refactoring, unit tests, and more.
ext install ms-python.python
- SQLite - alexcvzz - Explore and query SQLite databases.
ext install alexcvzz.vscode-sqlite
- markdownlint - David Anson - Markdown linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code.
ext install DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint
- Dracula Official - Dracula Theme - Official Dracula Theme. A dark theme for many editors, shells, and more.
ext install dracula-theme.theme-dracula
- Omni Theme - RocketSeat - A dark theme made by Rocketseat.
ext install rocketseat.theme-omni
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