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Gianni Castellano
Gianni Castellano

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Keydown Event Listener and Focus

Hello readers! Welcome to my first blog where I will be discussing the issues and resolution I had with the "Keydown" event listener in JavaScript. When trying to implement my last event listener I struggled for an hour trying to understand why it was not working although the logic was all there. Here is the original HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for my code:

<img src="" alt="blue party hat" id="easterEgg" tabindex="0">
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const easterEggImage = document.getElementById('easterEgg') 

easterEggImage.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);

function handleKeyDown(event) {
  if (event.key.toLowerCase() === "h") { = "block";
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#easterEgg {
    display: none;
    position: fixed;
    left: 0;
    bottom: 0px;
    margin-left: 5%;
    max-width: 90%;
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The idea of this was to make an image appear whenever the user pressed the "h" key. Unfortunately it was not working and I could not understand why. After doing research I became more familiar with the concepts of "Event Delegation" and "direct event attachment". When I was using the descendant element easterEggImage I was only giving instruction for to apply the event to that element only. This is not what I intended so in order to fix this I attached the addEventListener to the document instead. Here is the working code below:

document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
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Now my keydown event will trigger anywhere in the document! So after my hour long struggle I was able to get my image to appear with this function.

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Thanks for telling us @gianni_cast ! We like to hear about people learning journeys, and we need more people writing posts to help other beginners. Thank you! If you would like to hang out with other devs feel free to join our new community one Discord.