Database Lifecycle Management is a big cheese to pull off a dependable database creation and relocation. But when Version Control Systems come into the picture, DDL - Data Definition Language shouldn't be a near miss to handle the database migrations.
To get a grip over the databases in Version Control Systems a fun rollercoaster ride though. Starting with why we need Version Control for database and its benefits, it goes a long way down.
Let us understand the need for the version control system in the database.
Why use Version Control?
The database needs to be monitored of the changes right from the version of source control. The version control systems should have the ability to establish a consistent work culture when the database developments progress at a faster pace. It should store, control and deploy the database.
All these changes made in the database by the Database Administrators are made aware of to the development team to enable smooth functioning in the intellectual set of minds. Whether it is the updates of a database or a new database creation, version control is a smart choice.
Coming to the square one, we have one question in mind: What are the notable changes that you can do in the version control?
Most common changes you can have in the database are based on:
- A fixed set of data
- Changes in the table using the DDL Scripts
- Changes in the schema objects using the same DDL Scripts
These "Based-Ons" can be subjected to changes depending on the recent upgrades and requirements.
"Git" into action
Developer's thought would ultimately like to deliver a dashing and a user-friendly application. This quest requires an updated database - Obviously, a newer version of the database. Git would be a great start towards achieving this integration.
Working with DevOps platforms such as Gitlab would have you steering the right direction to achieve the updated database SQL scripts. The Git repos would help you carry-off the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery process.
Git for database helps you store the information instead of rewriting them, the database changes cannot be concealed from git, shares your workload and can operate serverless. Rather than storing the data in the form of files, Git forms an attractive silver lining by storing them in the form of snapshots.

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