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Gloria Tejuosho
Gloria Tejuosho

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How to schedule tasks using JavaScript Timers and Intervals


JavaScript is a dynamic language that allows web developers to add interactive features to web applications. Among its built-in functions are setTimeout and setInterval, used for scheduling tasks and managing timing within applications.

In this article, we will examine how the setTimeout and setInterval functions work and gain hands-on experience through practical examples.
Before proceeding, it's essential to have a basic understanding of JavaScript. You can refer to this article if you need to.

setInterval and setTimeout

setInterval and setTimeout are both essential for managing timing in JavaScript applications. However, these functions serve different purposes and have distinct use cases.
Let's get into each function's specific use cases and understand when to appropriately use them in our applications.


setInterval is a method that repeatedly executes a code at intervals defined by a specified time(In milliseconds).
It ensures that the code runs each time the specified interval elapses.

setInterval syntax

setInterval(function, delay, param1, param2, ...)

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Function: The code to be executed.

Delay: The specified interval for the code to execute.

param1, param2: Optional parameters to be passed to the function.

Example 1: Using the setInterval function to display "Hello" after every second.

const greetings= setInterval ( function (){
}, 1000)
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setInterval takes two parameters: An anonymous function that logs "Hello" to the console, and a specified time interval of 1000 milliseconds which equals 1 second.
greetings: A variable that holds the interval Id returned by the setInterval function.

Example 2: Create a count down timer with hours, minutes, and seconds.

Step 1: Set up the html file.

 <!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>Change Style</title>
  <div id="countdown"></div>

  <script src=app.js> 


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Step 2: Include JavaScript code to achieve the countdown timer.

    let timeRemaining = {
  hours: 2,
  minutes: 30,
  seconds: 0

// Display the initial time
document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = `${timeRemaining.hours} hours, ${timeRemaining.minutes} minutes, ${timeRemaining.seconds} seconds`;

// Update the countdown every second
const countdownTimer = setInterval(function() {
  // Convert the time to seconds

  let totalSeconds = timeRemaining.hours * 3600 + timeRemaining.minutes * 60 + timeRemaining.seconds;

  // Decrement the time by 1 second

  // Convert the time back to hours, minutes, and seconds
  timeRemaining.hours = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600);
  timeRemaining.minutes = Math.floor((totalSeconds % 3600) / 60);
  timeRemaining.seconds = totalSeconds % 60;

  // Display the updated time
  document.getElementById("countdown").innerHTML = `${timeRemaining.hours} hours, ${timeRemaining.minutes} minutes, ${timeRemaining.seconds} seconds`;

  // Check if the countdown is complete
  if (totalSeconds <= 0) {

    alert("Countdown complete!");
}, 1000);

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  • timeRemaining object that holds the remaining number of times in the countdown.
  • Display the initial time by accessing timeRemaining element and updating the Dom with the Id "countdown".

  • setInterval creates an anonymous function and a specified time interval that runs every second.

  • Inside the anonymous function:

    • The totalSeconds variable converts the remaining time into seconds.
    • totalSeconds --: Decreases the time by 1 second.
    • Convert the time back to hours, minutes, and seconds.
    • Use the Math.floor method to round down each value to the nearest whole number.
    • Update the Dom element with the updated time.
    • Use the conditional "If" statement to check if the countdown Is complete and a pop alert message if not so.

This example demonstrates the use of setInterval to create a countdown timer that updates every second, with hours, minutes, and seconds displayed.


This is a method that clears the function that was previously declared in the setInterval. It clears the function in the setInterval when it's no longer needed.

clearInterval Syntax

  clearInterval (intervalId)
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  • clearInterval: The function used to cancel repeating intervals.

  • intervalId: The identifier of the interval to be cleared.

Example: Using the clearInterval to remove the function in the setInterval once the total seconds is less than or equal to zero.

if (totalSeconds <= 0) {
    clearInterval (countdownTimer)
    alert("Countdown complete!");
}, 1000);

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In the example above,
setIntervalfunction created a countdown timer and clearInterval removed the function once the total seconds reached zero.

Importance of using clearInterval

  1. It keeps code clean and efficient making it easier to maintain and debug.

  2. It prevents memory leaks by stopping background interval execution.

  3. It clears unnecessary code execution once it is no longer needed.


Set timeout is a method that executes a task after a specified delayed time (in milliseconds). It executes the task only when the specified time elapses.
It calls the function once unlike the setInterval function that calls a function repeatedly.

setTimeout syntax

setTimeout(function, milliseconds...)
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  • function: The code to be executed after a specified delay.
  • Milliseconds: The time delay before the function is executed.

Example 1: Use setTimeout to display "Welcome to my page" after 2 seconds.

setTimeout(function() {
    alert("Welcome to my page");
}, 2000);
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setTimeout takes two parameters: An anonymous function that displays an alert with the message "Welcome to my page" and a delay time of 2000 milliseconds(or 2 seconds) before the function is executed.

Example 2: Use setTimeout to display a list of messages after 2 seconds.

Step 1: Set the html elements.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>Display Messages</title>
  <link type="text/css" rel="style.css" href="stylesheet" >
  <div id="message">Display Messages</div>
  <button id="startBtn"> Start message sequence</button>

  <script src=app.js> </script>
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Step 2: Include JavaScript code.

  const messages =[
"First message",
"Second message",
"Third message",
"Fourth message",

const startBtn = document.getElementById("startBtn");
const message = document.getElementById("message");

let messageIndex = 0;
let timer;

function messageFunction(){
  if (messageIndex < messages.length){

 message.textContent = messages[messageIndex];
messageIndex ++;
timer = setTimeout (messageFunction, 2000);

message.textContent = "All messages displayed";


  startBtn.addEventListener('click', function (){
  messageIndex = 0;
 messageFunction ();

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messages: An array that contains the list of messages to be displayed.

startBtn: A variable that targets the start button.
message: A variable that targets the messages to be displayed.

messageIndex: A variable that holds the index of the messages to be displayed. Its initial value is set to 1.

messageFunction(): A function that checks for two conditions:

  • If the messageIndex is less than the length of the messages to be displayed, then, it displays each messages after 2 seconds using the setTimeout method
  • If this condition is not met, then it displays "All messages have been displayed".

Add an eventListener that invokes the messageFunction once the 'start button' is clicked.
This example demonstrates the use of setTimeout to display a list of messages every 2 seconds.


clearTimeout is a method that clears a timer that was previously created in the setTimeout.

clearTimeout syntax

   clearTimeout (setTimeoutId)
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clearTimeout: The function used to cancel a timeout.

setTimeoutId: The identifier of the timer to be canceled.

Example: Use the clearTimeout to cancel the message sequence.

Step 1: Create a button to stop the message sequence.

  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title> Display Messages</title>
  <link type="text/css" rel="style.css" href="stylesheet" >
  <div id="message">Display Messages</div>
  <button id="startBtn"> Start message sequence</button>
  <button id="stopBtn"> Stop message sequence </button>
  <script src=app.js> </script>

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Step 2: Add clearTimeout to the 'stop' button

  const messages =[
"First message",
"Second message",
"Third message",
"Fourth message",

const startBtn = document.getElementById("startBtn");
const stopBtn = document.getElementById("stopBtn");
const message = document.getElementById("message");

let messageIndex = 0;
let timer;

function messageFunction(){
  if (messageIndex < messages.length){

 message.textContent = messages[messageIndex];
messageIndex ++;
timer = setTimeout (messageFunction, 2000);

message.textContent = "All messages displayed";


  startBtn.addEventListener('click', function (){
  messageIndex = 0;
 messageFunction ();

stopBtn.addEvenListener('click', function(){
  clearTimeout (timer);
 message.textContent = "Message sequence stopped!";

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stopBtn: A variable that targets the 'stop button' element.
An eventListener is added to the 'stop button ' which uses the clearTimeout method to cancel the timeout.
This makes the message sequence stop once the stop button is clicked.

Importance of clearTimeout

  1. It clears the setTimeout method when it's no longer needed.
  2. It prevents memory leaks by avoiding background execution.
  3. It makes code clean and easy to debug.

Best Practices

There are best practices to follow when using the setInterval or the setTimeout function to prevent errors and ensure clean, efficient code.


  1. Always use the clearInterval to stop intervals from running in the background.

  2. Store the setInterval function inside a variable to easily access it inside the clearSetTimeout function.

  3. Use the try-catchto handle and debug errors.


  1. Always clear the setTimeout when it is no longer needed to prevent memory leaks.

  2. Set a reasonable amount of time when usingsetTimeout.
    Avoid too short a time which can cause execution to occur suddenly and too long a time which can affect user experience.

  3. Store the setTimeout function in a variable to easily access it in the clearTimeout function.


Knowing when to use the setInterval and setTimeout functions is crucial, and we have discussed the types of functions they perform, when to use them, and best practices to follow. You should be able to use them effectively in your code.

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