you can reach 50 to 60 percentage within a week to master something it take high amount of practice
1. what is active vs passive learning?
Studies show that one need a lot more attention while reading a book than that of watching videos. Reading is slow process which gives you more retention.
Action to be taken:
- learn from docs and write a blog post about the stuff you learn
- make them easy to understand by everyone
- join a community and answer some question if it is already answer then simplify it and vice-versa.
2. how one should take notes while learning or watching tutorial?
Better way to learn is taking notes after listening or watching videos. Taking notes side-by-side lead to less retention.
Action to be taken
- use space repetation mention while learning
- build a small application that can be scalable
- stick with one course don't jump from one place
3. where to start and stop by code-along tutorial?
code along is easy way to get start to know about unfamiliar thing. If you like it then explain the entire project to yourself then stop code along and start by expanding your project. If you feel struck then google but don't repeat watching the video again and again
Action to be taken
- write a very small ebook with the help of your project and explain it with simple term and make publish it in online store.
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