Hola! Amigos,
so today we will building first flutter app in andriod studio.
what we need for this we need a andriod studio or visual studio code ,anything from that you make comfortable for development
- andriod studio https://developer.android.com/studio
visual studio code
In andriod studio add/instll plugins
2.flutter sdk
*download the flutter sdk for
-window 10
for linux you can just use a command it will install a sdk of flutter
sudo snap install flutter --classic
and also , you can follow steps of this link
Now, go to downloded flutter sdk extract to andriod folder
C:\Program Files\Android\flutter
after extracting add to the folder path to the environment vairables,then we have to check
all things are correctly instlled or not to check we have to to cmd
open cmd as administrator mode
-C:\Users>flutter doctor
after doing this painful things start the andriod studio
-create a new flutter project
-select the flutter appliction for beginners
- now select the sdk for flutter as we set
-C:\Program Files\Android\flutter
after all things go to finish ,all set now
you can start building apps with a flutter and dart
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