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grahamthedev profile image

Yeah the "blue light" is the main problem as it tricks the brain into thinking it is still daytime. Same for any screen.

Couple that with the fact that phone time in bed tends to be mindless scrolling of social media and the constant mini dopamine hits that brings and that also hurts sleep!

Sloan, the sloth mascot
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grahamthedev profile image

Certainly not the same effects.

I think we subconsciously know they are not the same from how we approach them / how you behave with each activity.

You will just pick your phone up and start scrolling without any prior thought, but for work you often have to “mentally prepare” / get in the zone.

This is because SM doom scrolling is feeding your brain everything it thinks it needs, work requires effort and isn’t as exciting to the brain (in terms of dopamine hits and constant stimulation / gratification).

The ironic thing is that too much Social Media (especially things like TikTok, YouTube shorts, Instagram etc.) makes it harder to work as you become addicted to the gratification cycle short videos bring.

So the second a challenge appears and you have used up your will power “I will just check Twitter” pops into your head!

They are designed (very carefully and precisely designed I might add) to be addictive and they are. The sad thing is that we are at the stage where if you want to be successful you need to feed that addiction as otherwise your platform will not get used as much.

Anyway this is turning into a mini rant, in summary force yourself to spend more time working without distraction and less time on social media.

Buy a kindle, go for a walk or a run, anything that means you aren’t spending more than 20 minutes at a time on Social Media.