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Cover image for Loops
Greg Ross
Greg Ross

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Computer science concepts in my lingo.


What makes computers useful is the ability to perform repetitive tasks. Repeatable conditions to do time and time again while something is true.

int condition = 0;
do {
while (condition < 5);
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int condition = 0;
while (condition < 5) {
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Self perpetuating machine

Knowing what your looking for but do not know exactly how many times or possibilities exist while searching? No worries the collection length or size can realize the unknown to find what you are checking for.

int[] nums = {5, 10, 15, 20};
for (int iterator = 0; iterator < nums.length; iterator++) {

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String[] people = {"Roy", "Gee", "Biv", "Mazza"};
for (String eachPerson : people) {
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Practical Use Case

  int[] trackGrades = {89, 93, 65, 68}; 

  int sum = 0; // the sum of all the grades

  for(int i = 0; i < trackGrades.length; i++) {
      sum = sum + trackGrades[i];  // add each grade to sum

  int average = sum / trackGrades.length;

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