This posts describes one of the things that was involved in building out my personal blog, more more details and live demos feel free to read over there.
I wanted to bring things back to basics with this blog, focusing on web fundamentals e.g. html and css. In addition to this, by using 11ty, i'm able to author in Markdown, meaning i'm free to add HTML anywhere in my posts.
However, whist i'm focusing on HTML/CSS, there are areas where it makes sense to sprinkle in JavaScript, for extra interactivity, this is where Web Components come in.
Hey! He mentioned web components, get him! (Chewie and Beau are friends really).
A Google engineer said it better than I could:
Eleventy and web components go really, really well together.21:24 PM - 02 Jan 2020
In this article I'll explain how I went about setting up a development environment for Web Components, as well as simple production optimizations.
But first, I want to discuss the approach that i've taken for consuming web components in this site. All content should be available without JavaScript/Web Components available, but where they are available, the content should be progressively enhanced.
Progressive enhancement web component use cases
Here are a couple of uses cases I had for progressively enhanced content, using JavaScript.
YouTube embed
To embed a YouTube video via progressive enhancement, you first need to identify what is the minimal HTML-only implementation of the content, this is:
- A link which when clicked navigates to the video.
- An image thumbnail to be used for the link to wrap.
- A caption for the video, important for accessibility.
The second part of this is identifying a component to use to embed the YouTube player, I wasn't going to re-invent the wheel here.
lite-youtube-embed from Paul Irish, is the perfect fit here.
npm install lite-youtube-embed
<lite-youtube class="video" videoid="j8mJrhhdHWc" style="background-image: url('');">
<a onclick="('customElements' in window) && event.preventDefault()" title="Play Video" class="no-js" target="_blank" href="">{% include "img/play.svg" %}</a>
There's a couple of things going on above:
- background-image server from youtube CDN.
- There is an
by default, this will open the youtube video in a new tab - onclick to prevent opening a new tab.
Explaining the onclick: Whats happening here is.
- If Web Components/JavaScript are not available on the site, the onclick is ignored, and links as expected, I do this by checking if
is supported in the browser. - When JS/Web Components are enabled and the link is clicked, the tab does not open, and the click is instead handled by
, resulting in a youtube embed.
Live code demos
At some point I will have to do a post that goes into more detail of exactly how my live demos are authored using Markdown in 11ty, but they are ultimately rendered using a web component.
Here is a Live demo web component that accepts html is and CSS as child content.
For a live demo in action head here.
<live-demo id="my-live-demo">
<div slot="html">
<div class="my-div">styled by the css</div>
<div slot="css">
.my-div {
color: var(--Primary, blue);
The approach i've taken here is that when the web component is not available, the code is just rendered and syntax highlighted, but when JS is available a live demo component appears. If you were to disable JavaScript in your browser you should just see the code snippets instead.
I made use of slots, one for js
one for html
and one for css
. The web component then takes the text content and renders it appropriately.
This approach is a lot
like, which I hope to use in the future for my blog, but it was fun to see about how I could build this myself.
Setting up a dev environment for 11ty and Web Components
Setting up a development environment for 11ty and web components is pretty simple, especially if you are using pure JavaScript, and don't need any build process. I found that having no build process was such a breath of fresh air, development tools should just get out of your way and let you code.
If you are just working with vanilla web components and don't want to use any dependencies from NPM, then good news, you don't need to do anything special, just use the default 11ty dev server, and move on to create great content!
If you want to use some components or libraries from NPM e.g. lit-html/lit-element you will need a way to transform bare imports
into relative urls that work in the browser, e.g.
import { LitElement } from "lit-element";
would become something like:
import { LitElement } from "./../node_modules/lit-element/lit-element.js";
The best tool for doing this is
At the time of writing this tool is in the process of getting moved over to @web/dev-server. For this example, i'll use
would work too.
npm i --save-dev @web/dev-server
First off, when serving an 11ty website you would normally use npx eleventy --serve
, however instead we're going to use npx eleventy --watch
This will give us all the live building of your 11ty site, but without a server.
For our server, this is where @web/dev-server
will come in, which can be run like so:
web-dev-server --node-resolve --open
In order to combine these two tasks we can use concurrently
npm i concurrently --save-dev
and combine them into a npm script:
"start": "concurrently \"npx eleventy --watch\" \"web-dev-server --node-resolve\"",
Combining the above will give us a dev server, however we have not told it how find our 11ty _site
folder, as well as resolving our node modules.
In order to do this we will need to introduce a small config file and implement a simple middleware to do the following:
- If the request is an 11ty asset serve it from
by appending_site
to url. - If the request is for a html page serve it from
- Otherwise move to
which will allow JS files to be handled by logic to resolve ESM imports.
Create a file call web-dev-server.config.js
module.exports = {
port: 8000,
watch: true,
rootDir: ".",
middleware: [
serve11tyAssets({dist: "_site_"})
nodeResolve: true
This should all be quite straight forward to understand hopefully:
- port: Local port for the server
- watch: Makes browser reload whenever something changes
- rootDir: This should be the root dir that contains
and the 11ty_site
folder. - middleware: functions that get executed on requests, i'll explain serve11tyAssets shortly.
- nodeResolve: flag to convert
import foo from 'bar'
will look something like this.
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const URL = require("url").URL;
* Check if asset lives in 11ty _site folder, if not serve from root folder.
const serve11tyAssets = ({dist = "_site"} = {}) => {
return async (context, next) => {
// Node URL requires a full url so... (url isnot important)
const pathName = new URL(`${context.url}`).pathname;
// is the request for a html file?
const url = pathName.endsWith("/") ? `${pathName}index.html` : pathName;
try {
// check if the file exists, if so, modify the url to come from `_site` folder.
const stats = await fs.stat(path.join(dist, url));
if (stats.isFile()) {
context.url = `/${dist}${pathName}`
return next();
} catch {
return next();
Hopefully this example makes sense, and shows how simple it is to add vanilla JavaScript modules into your 11ty development server.
You can easily add new tools into this chain if you need as well e.g. gulp
"start": "npx gulp && concurrently \"npx gulp watch\" \"npx eleventy --watch\" \"web-dev-server\""
Production optimization of JavaScript
When it comes to choosing tools to optimize your JavaScript for an 11ty project, the choice is entirely up to you, if like me you don't want to configure a complex build, you can leverage the great work of others, by using Open WC rollup config.
Here is my config.
npm i rollup deepmerge rollup-plugin-output-manifest @open-wc/building-rollup -D
import merge from "deepmerge";
import { createBasicConfig } from "@open-wc/building-rollup";
import outputManifest from "rollup-plugin-output-manifest";
const entrypoints = {
index: "src/assets/index.js"
const baseConfig = createBasicConfig({
outputDir: "dist/assets"
export default merge(baseConfig, {
input: entrypoints,
plugins: [outputManifest({
// ../ to go outside of dist and into include
fileName: '../../src/_includes/manifest.json',
// assets is my folder of choice for js files
publicPath: 'assets/'
You can add extra entrypoints, which is helpful, if you only want to load some components on some pages.
In order to hook this back into 11ty
i'm making use of rollup-plugin-output-manifest
. This outputs a manifest.json
You could output this as a data file if you wanted to, but I wanted to add a little more logic to my scripts so I could do different things depending on if in production
mode or not.
Create a file called src/_data/assets.js
, which will be read as Global Data File.
module.exports = {
getPath: (assetName) => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
const assets = require("../_includes/manifest.json");
const modulePath = assets[assetName];
if(!modulePath) {
throw new Error(`error with getAsset, ${assetName} does not exist in manifest.json`);
return `/${modulePath}`;
} else {
return `/src/assets/${assetName}`;
Then in 11ty templates:
<script src="{{ assets.getPath("index.js")}}" type="module"></script>
Doing this allowed me to just serve the unmodified src code when in development, but embed the production assets, which have hashes in their names for cache busting.
If you are wondering how to set the NODE_ENV flag, here is my build script.
"build": "rm -rf dist && NODE_ENV=production rollup -c rollup.config.js && NODE_ENV=production npx eleventy"
And that's my setup, i'm sure there are better ways of doing this but it got the job done for me, hopefully this was useful.
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