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Paulo Griiettner
Paulo Griiettner

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From Senior Front-End Developer to Java Novice: My Journey

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Back in the day, about 24 years ago to be exact, I started off as a "Web Designer." Funny, right? That's what they called it in the '90s, even though most of the time you weren't really "designing" in the way we think of it today. Since then, I've been neck-deep in code, playing around with PHP, making things pop with JavaScript, crafting cool apps with React, and even messing around in the backend world with Node.js. It's been a whirlwind of a journey, and I've cherished every moment.

So, "Why Java, Paulo?" you might be thinking. Honestly, I felt like I was getting too cozy in my front-end bubble. Java's been making waves for ages, and I thought it'd be fun to dive in and see what I've been missing. After all, I'm all about mixing things up and keeping things fresh.

Why Java?

Java's been around for what feels like forever, but it's still a major player in today's tech scene. Here's why I felt the pull towards it:

  • Versatility: Java can be found everywhere. From server-side applications to Android apps, and even in some household appliances! I wanted a piece of that pie.

  • Performance: Java's performance, especially with its JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation, means that applications run super-fast.

  • Huge Community and Resources: Over the years, Java has built a massive community. This means tons of resources, tutorials, and libraries. It's like a treasure trove for developers!

  • Job Opportunities: Let's be real – knowing Java opens doors. There are tons of companies out there looking for skilled Java devs, and I thought it might be cool to have that option up my sleeve.

The Transition: What Was Easy

Jumping into Java, I expected more than a few bumps on the road. But, to my pleasant surprise, I found some things felt... strangely familiar:

  • Syntax & Basic Concepts: One look at Java and my time with JavaScript, particularly the ES6+ syntax, immediately paid off. Curly braces, functions (or should I say methods?), and conditionals – they all had this familiar vibe to them. The transition was like shifting from driving a sedan to an SUV; different, yes, but the basics are still the same.

  • OOP - Old Friends in New Guises: I've toyed with classes in both PHP and JavaScript (thanks, ES6+). Seeing them in Java felt like a reunion. Yes, there are differences – Java is staunchly object-oriented, after all. But the foundational concepts? They translated over pretty seamlessly. Objects, inheritance, polymorphism – it was all there, just with a Java twist.

  • Array Methods & Data Manipulation: If you've played with JavaScript's .map(), .filter(), and .reduce(), you've got a head start in Java. While Java's counterparts might go by different names and work in slightly varied ways, the underlying principles are nearly identical. It's all about transforming and managing data, after all.

  • Typing - A Nod to TypeScript: Now, JavaScript is dynamically typed, and Java... well, isn't. But, thanks to my dabbling with TypeScript, I wasn't entirely in the dark. Declaring a variable type before initializing it wasn’t a foreign concept, all thanks to the strictness TypeScript had already introduced me to.

It's worth noting, though, while these things made the transition easier, it wasn't a walk in the park. Java, with its rich ecosystem and quirks, is its own beast. But these familiar touchpoints sure made the journey a lot more enjoyable!

Right now, my priority is crafting a handy cheatsheet. I aim to map out the frequently used methods and concepts from both JS and PHP and then translate them into their Java counterparts. This resource will not only expedite my learning curve but also serve as a quick reference for seamless code transitions.

The Challenges: The Learning Curve

Every journey, no matter how prepared you are, comes with its set of hurdles. And my Java adventure was no different. Here are the challenges that truly tested my two-decade coding experience:

  • Java's Class Methods: With my previous background in JS and PHP, I thought I'd have Java's class methods down in no time. Oh, how naive I was! There's a sea of methods, each with its unique purpose, and mastering when and how to utilize each one took more than a quick glance at the documentation. That's why I'm makin the cheatsheet mentioned above.

  • The Spring Boot Experience: Transitioning from Node.js to Spring Boot felt like switching from riding a bicycle to piloting a jumbo jet. Don't get me wrong, both have their strengths, but the paradigm shift was intense. From routing to configuration, Spring Boot was an entirely new playground, and sometimes, I missed the simplicity of Express.js in the Node world.

  • Tooling & Environment Setup: If you've ever tried setting up a React or Node.js environment, you know it can be pretty straightforward with the right tools and scripts. Java, on the other hand, is an entirely different story. The development environment, with its IDE configurations, build tools, and dependencies, made me appreciate the simplicity of a quick npm install.

Every challenge, however, was a new learning opportunity. And while these hurdles might have slowed me down a bit, they surely didn't deter me. After all, that's what the developer journey is all about, right? Constant learning, stumbling, and picking yourself up again.


Being a developer isn't just about knowing a language; it's about understanding the art of communication. Diving into Java after years of romancing with JS, PHP, and others made me realize the power of being a polyglot developer. Every language, like every human language, offers a unique perspective, a new way of problem-solving, and an expanded toolkit.

To my fellow seasoned developers, our experience is a strength, but it should never be an anchor. The tech world is evolving, and so should we. Embrace the unfamiliar, chase the unknown, and remember: every new language is a fresh lens to see the world of coding.

And to all of you reading this, I'm curious! Have you ventured outside your primary coding language recently? What insights did you gain? Any "Java-esque" challenges you'd like to share or tips for this old-but-new Java enthusiast? Drop your stories in the comments below. Let's learn and grow together!

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