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George Soultos
George Soultos

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Create a Discord Selfbot


In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Discord selfbot in NodeJS. In order for us to create our selfbot we need to understand how Discord Gateway works. For the purpose of this tutorial I will focus on MESSAGE_CREATE intent so we capture new messages over Websockets. I assume that you are already familiar with NodeJS and TypeScript programming language, so I will focus on how Discord Gateways works.

If you don't really care about Discord Gateways internals, you can skip the rest of the article and use my discord-gateways module.

How to get your Discord authentication token

In order to authenticate our client on Discord Gateway, we will need to find the authentication token for our personal Discord account. Unfortunately there is no a straight-forward way to do this, so I will try to explain the process as simple as I can.


  1. Login to your Discord account from your browser.
  2. Enable Developer Tools using [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[I] key combination on Google Chrome.
  3. Go to Network tab.
  4. Send a message to anyone.
  5. Select the messages packet, make sure that Headers tab is selected, and scroll down to find and copy the authorization header under the Request Headers. How to find Discord Token

That's it! Now that we have our authentication token, we can proceed to the code.


Fire-up your favorite text-editor or IDE and create a new NodeJS project with TypeScript installed & configured.

Next, we will have to install a couple of dependencies:

  1. ws
  2. @types/ws

After that, we create a new file called DiscordClient:

import { WebSocket } from 'ws';
import { EventEmitter } from 'events';

export declare interface DiscordClient {
    on(event: 'messageCreate', listener: (message: any) => void): this;

export class DiscordClient extends EventEmitter {
    private discordToken: string;
    private seq: number | null;
    private session_id: string | null;
    private ack: boolean;
    private heartbeatTimer: NodeJS.Timer | undefined;
    private ws: WebSocket;

    constructor(discordToken: string) {
        this.discordToken = discordToken;
        this.seq = null;
        this.session_id = null;
        this.ack = false; = new WebSocket('wss://');

    public connect() { = new WebSocket('wss://');'message', (data: string) => {
            const payload = JSON.parse(data);
            const { op, d, s, t } = payload;

            this.seq = s ? s : this.seq;

            if (op == 1) {
            } else if (op == 9) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                }, 3000);
            } else if (op == 10) {
                this.heartbeatTimer = setInterval(() => {
                }, d.heartbeat_interval);

                if (this.session_id && this.seq) {
                        'op': 6,
                        'd': {
                            'token': this.discordToken,
                            'session_id': this.session_id,
                            'seq': this.seq
                } else {
            } else if (op == 11) {
                this.ack = true;

            switch (t) {
                case 'READY':
                    this.session_id = d.session_id;
                case 'MESSAGE_CREATE':
                    this.emit('messageCreate', d);

    private heartbeat() {{
            'op': 1,
            'd': this.seq
        this.ack = false;

        setTimeout(() => {
            if (!this.ack) {
                this.ack = false;
                if (this.heartbeatTimer) {
        }, 5000);

    private identify() {{
            'op': 2,
            'd': {
                'token': this.discordToken,
                'properties': {
                    '$os': 'linux',
                    '$browser': 'chrome',
                    '$device': 'chrome'
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OK, now let's get through the code.


Notice that this DiscordClient class extends the EventEmitter class. That's because we want to emit a NodeJS event every time that we receive a new message, so we can easily subscribe and process every new message.


A very simple constructor that gets the user's Discord token as parameter and store it to a variable, so we can use it during our class lifecycle.

Function: connect

This function is responsible for the connection and reconnection process to Discord Gateway.

First of all we have to connect on the Discord Gateway over websocket by creating a new instance of the WebSocket object: = new WebSocket('wss://');

The encoding=json part, tells Discord that we want to receive messages in JSON format.

Next we subscribe to listen for new events from the Discord Gateway.'message', (data: string)

Each event that we receive contains the following fields:

Field Description
op optcode for the payload
d event data
s sequence number, used for resuming sessions and heartbeats
t the event name for this payload

More about event payload here

Let's deserialize the JSON message to a variable called payload:

const { op, d, s, t } = payload;

For each event that we receive, we have to store the sequence number to a variable. This is very important because this sequence number will be used for reconnection, in case that we disconnect from the websocket (for any reason). So by sending the sequence number during the reconnection process, Discord Gateway will replay all missed events, ensuring that we will not lose any message.

this.seq = s ? s : this.seq;

More about the reconnection process here

Now that we have the sequence number stored in our seq variable, we can examine the opcode field (op variable) in order to determine the type of the event.

Optcode 10

This is the first optcode that we will receive once we connect to the websocket. It defines the heartbeat interval that our client should send heartbeats.

Here is the structure of Optcode 10 Hello:

  "op": 10,
  "d": {
    "heartbeat_interval": 45000
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So, according to Discord Gateway documentation, after we receive Optcode 10 Hello, we should begin sending Optcode 1 Heartbeat payloads after every heartbeat_interval * jitter (where jitter is a random value between 0 and 1), and every heartbeat_interval milliseconds thereafter.

this.heartbeatTimer = setInterval(() => {
}, d.heartbeat_interval);
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We will get through the heartbeat() function later. For now notice that we send a heartbeat every heartbeat_interval milliseconds in order to retain our websocket connection.

Once we start sending heartbeats, we will have to identify our client to Discord Gateway. This is implemented in identify() function, which is called in the else part of the following if statement. (Since this is the first time that we call the connect() function in our application's lifecycle, the this.session_id && this.seq condition will be false because of the session_id variable, so the else part gets executed and the identify() function is called this time)

For now just ignore the code after the this.session_id && this.seq condition. We will get through this later, once we discuss about the heartbeat() function.

To summarize, so far the steps are:

  1. Connect to websocket
  2. Once we receive Optcode 10 Hello, we start sending heartbeats every heartbeat_interval milliseconds. (Note that heartbeat_interval is defined in Optcode 10 Hello event).
  3. Identify our client to Discord Gateway by calling identify() function. Once we identify our client the Discord Gateway will respond with a Ready event which is means that our client is connected! We will talk about the Ready event later.

More about Optcode 10 Hello here

Optcode 1

Sometimes the Discord Gateway may request a heartbeat from our client by sending an Optcode 1 Heartbeat. In this case we just call the heartbeat() function, which is responsible for sending the heartbeats.

More about Optcode 1 Heartbeat here

Optcode 9

The Optcode 9 Invalid Session actually means that we are disconnected from the gateway. In this case according to the documentation we have to wait between 1-5 seconds and then send a fresh Optcode 2 Identify. So we can just call the identify() function after 3 seconds.

setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);
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More about Optcode 9 Invalid Session here

Optcode 11

Any time that our client sends a an Optcode 1 Heartbeat, the Gateway will respond with Optcode 11 Heartbeat ACK for a successful acknowledgement. So we are going to use a variable called ack as a flag to determine if the Gateway respond successfully to our last Heartbeat. We actually set the ack flag to false every time that we call the heartbeat function and if we receive the an Optcode 11 Heartbeat ACK response we set this to true. I will explain how the ack variable works and why it's useful in order to detairmine the state of our connection, once we discuss about the heartbeat function

More about Optcode 11 Heartbeat ACK here

READY event

Once we send a valid identify payload the Gateway will respond with a Ready event. Which actually means that our client is consider connected. So we just store the session_id to our session_id variable. We will need this variable in the reconnection process in case that our client gets disconnected.

this.session_id = d.session_id;
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More about READY event here


The MESSAGE_CREATE event, is send once we receive a new message on Discord. In this case we just emit a NodeJS event which contains the message.

this.emit('messageCreate', d);
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Notice that we have already declare a DiscordClient interace for this NodeJS event.

export declare interface DiscordClient {
    on(event: 'messageCreate', listener: (message: any) => void): this;
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More about MESSAGE_CREATE event here

Function: heartbeat

This function is responsible for sending a heartbeat and checking if our client has received and acknowledgement respond. Also it will call the connect() function in case that our client gets disconnected in order to reconnect.

So first of all we send the Optcode 1 Heartbeat payload to Discord Gateway, and set our ack variable to false.{
    'op': 1,
    'd': this.seq
this.ack = false;
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Now we have to make sure that we receive an acknowledgement respond for our last heartbeat, otherwise it means that our client has been disconnected. In order to implement this, we wait for 5 seconds. If our ack variable is true, it means that we received an ACK event. Remember that once we receive Optcode 11 Heartbeat ACK we set the ack variable to true (This is actually implemented in our connect() function). Otherwise, if our ack variable is set to false, it means that we haven't received an Optcode 11 Heartbeat ACK, so our client has been disconnected from websocket. In this case we have to close our websocket connection and reconnect. That's what we are doing if the following if condition gets executed.

setTimeout(() => {
    if (!this.ack) {;
        this.ack = false;
        if (this.heartbeatTimer) {
}, 5000);
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Notice that this time the session_id and seq variables has been set. So once we call the connect() function and we receive Optcode 10 Hello during the connection process, the this.session_id && this.seq condition will be true and the following code gets executed:{
    'op': 6,
    'd': {
        'token': this.discordToken,
        'session_id': this.session_id,
        'seq': this.seq
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This code will send an Optcode 6 Resume payload to Discord Gateway in order to reconnect to websocket. Notice that we pass the discordToken (in order to get authenticated), the session_id (for our websocket connection) and the seq (in order to make sure that Discord Gateway will replay any lost messages, during our disconnection period).

More about heartbeat payload here

Function: identify

This function is responsible for sending an identify payload. Notice that we are passing the discordToken here. This is very important, otherwise we will not be able to authenticated on Discord Gateway.{
    'op': 2,
    'd': {
        'token': this.discordToken,
        'properties': {
            '$os': 'linux',
            '$browser': 'chrome',
            '$device': 'chrome'
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More about identify payload here

Using discord-gateways

If you just want to capture your Discord messages easily, you can use my NodeJS module.


npm install discord-gateways


import { DiscordClient, MessageDto } from 'discord-gateways';

const client = new DiscordClient("DISCORD_TOKEN");

client.on("messageCreate", (message: MessageDto) => {

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Capture more intents

You can easily capture more intents using the same approach. You can find a list of available Discord Gateways intents here


Discord Gateways

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