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What is a unique mobile device id in Android phone?

Create iOS Enterprise Certificate

IOS Enterprise certificate can be shelves App Store installed to the phone to use

Need a Enterprise account to apply

Create an iOS certificate first apply for an APP ID card, apply for iOS certificate file. Mobileprovision need to choose, as well as in itunesconnect. New app also need.

Appuploader home -- A tool improve ios develop efficiency such as submit ipa to appstore and manage ios certificate
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一、 iOS Enterprise certificate application(.p12)

IOS certificate application here to use a tool Appuploader, you can quickly create. P12 and .mobileprovision iOS certificate file.

这个密码不是账号密码,而是一个保护证书的密码,是p12文件的密码,此密码设置后没有其他地方可以找到,忘记了只能删除证书重新制作,所以请务必记住密码。还有为了安全起见,密码不要太简单。 证书名称是你为了在证书列表里面便于区别的一个字符,自己好辨识就可以,尽量是是字母和数字之类 带distribution的是发布类型,带development的是开发类型。 apple类型=ios+mac,所以开发时选择ios app development和apple development 类型都是可以的 只有部分类型的证书需要选择bundle id,例如推送证书。因为大部分证书是不和app关联的。而是通过描述文件profile文件关联app。 如果期望制作好证书后在其他电脑上同样可以下载到这个证书,或者和你同事同步此证书,则需要勾选使用appuploader服务同步。否则您需要手动管理p12文件在不同电脑之间的传输,并且一但创建下载后,无法在其他电脑下载,只能手动复制文件过去。一般情况下,推荐使用appuploader服务同步。 IOS开发选择apple development或者ios app development 类型 ios 发布选择 apple distribution或者 ios distribution (app store and ad hoc) 开发推送证书选择 apple push notification service ssl (sandbox) 发布推送证书选择 apple push notification service ssl (sandbox & production) 其他证书不是很常用,可以自行百度各种证书说明
1, Login Appuploader Select Certification

2, select the iOS business release certificate, enter the certificate name, mailbox, password click ok to create

3, click P12 to download and save the certificate file

二、iOS business description file application (.mobileprovision)



1, back to the software click Profiles

2, select the iOS business release description file, select appid, associated with iOS enterprise release certificate, enter the certificate name, click ok to create.

3, click Download to save the iOS business description file to the computer

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