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How I Write Blog Posts These Days

David Wickes on April 02, 2019

I read How I Write Online Articles John Papa for Microsoft Azure ・ Apr 1 '19 ...
learnbyexample profile image

yay, most of it is similar to my workflow :)

I tried so-simple for GitHub pages, and I am more than okay with it so far

I need to change a few things for front matter (been lazy enough to not automate, maybe someday) between GitHub pages and, and I always use preview as sanity check - like have I forgotten some change, rendering (found two bugs so far), etc

will check out style and diction, feels like it will be helpful

aspittel profile image
Ali Spittel

This is awesome -- I am installing style and diction right now -- what a cool tool

grahamlyons profile image
Graham Lyons

Yeah, I'd never heard of those before but I'll definitely try them out.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Glad you like it Ali!

grahamlyons profile image
Graham Lyons

I have a similar workflow. I use Vim almost exclusively but I do switch to VS Code for the Markdown preview - I didn't realise there was no standard for it though.

I often use the spell checking in Vim: :set spell! to toggle on/off. I often have to :h spell to remember all the commands but z= on a word brings up a list of suggestions and ]s moves to the next bad word.

I have written my own site a few times but switched to Jekyll a year or two ago because the less of my own code hanging around doing stuff the better and any features I want are just a Gem away.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

I have written my own site a few times but switched to Jekyll a year or two ago

This made me laugh as I switched from Jekyll to writing my own site a year or two ago. I think it was the Liquid tags that did it - found the syntax confusing and occasionally magical.

TBH I still think I could do it all with Pandoc and a few scripts, but I CBA to work it out right now.

I often have to :h spell


nestedsoftware profile image
Nested Software

@mortoray I see that there are several people who may want to use your mdl thing!

mortoray profile image
edA‑qa mort‑ora‑y

I'm working on it. It's almost far enough to do all my posts -- exception the latex bits.

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Will now have to read your posts about writing a Markdown parser - thanks!

micahriggan profile image
Micah Riggan

Very cool! I'm also blogging with vim + github. Made an MR on your githubs for some links on your main readme that weren't working for me

I've been trying out 100% markdown with the github static pages and then copy and pasting to

Could you say more about what :%y+ does?

I've been :!pbcopy on my mac to copy out, but I have a feeling your thing does that too, without clearing all the text?

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Could you say more about what :%y+ does?


  • : - start command mode
  • % - with the whole buffer...
  • y - yank it to...
  • + - the register called +.

The register + is the system clipboard.

micahriggan profile image
Micah Riggan

Thanks for the explanation! Registers are on of the vim things I haven't fully incorporated into my workflow

siddharthshyniben profile image

I'm thinking of doing something similar, but my only question is: How do you manage drafts? Do you push them to GitHub or do something else?