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Hammad Ahmed ~
Hammad Ahmed ~

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Powering Your Data: An Extensive Guide of the Basic Concepts and Revolutionary Features of PostgreSQL 14


The fascinating world of PostgreSQL 14 awaits you on this enthralling voyage. We will begin on a thrilling journey in this blog as we delve deeply into the principles and mind-blowing capabilities that truly transform the database business with PostgreSQL 14. I will reveal all the secrets [the ones I know so far! 👀] that make PostgreSQL 14 an essential tool for contemporary data management, from its open-source prowess to enhanced indexing and full-text search.

1) Powerhouse of Open Source

The open-source philosophy that underpins PostgreSQL is what motivates the global community of users and developers to collaborate. This active community supports its ongoing development and provides users with a feature-rich, strong, and dependable database management system.

2) Adopting the ACID Compliance

Meh, ACID is not really THAT ACID. ☣️ ~ It means Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability! :D

The adherence to ACID standards by PostgreSQL serves as the cornerstone of its data integrity and dependability. The significance of Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability is really really important to consider, along with how these pillars provide the highest level of reliability for crucial business applications.

3) Extensibility and Customizability

One size does not fit all, and PostgreSQL is adept at recognizing this. This advantage highlights the unmatched extensibility of PostgreSQL, which enables programmers to construct new data types, functions, and procedural languages to produce custom solutions for particular use cases.

4) Embracing Robust Data Types

PostgreSQL's support for a wide range of data formats demonstrates its adaptability. PostgreSQL effectively handles a variety of data, making it a Swiss Army knife, including JSON and arrays, hstore, and geometrical kinds.

5) Full Text Search

Put an end to boring text searches! PostgreSQL 14 provides robust full-text search capabilities. PostgreSQL makes it possible to do accurate and timely text-based searches on enormous volumes of data, making it ideal for contemporary applications with a lot of textual content.

6) Scaling of Data

PostgreSQL 14 is there to cover you whenever your data gets OUT OF YOUR HAND!!

Table partitioning, parallel querying, and connection pooling is there to sort you out whenever your data needs to be scaled.

7) Continuous Excellence

Yes, I mean, the story does not end here of course - There are just way too much advantages and features of PostgreSQL 14 that makes it a Revolutionary and Game Changer Database in this advanced era, that I cannot possibly cover in just one post, otherwise y'all will get bored!


Congratulations - now you know the real deal that you will sealing when you gets your hands dirty with the PostgreSQL 14 for your data. This blog provides a brief introduction to some of the amazing features that PostgreSQL 14 has to offer.

Follow me for more blogs and content related to PostgreSQL and Technology. Hammad Ahmed signing off! 😄

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