DEV Community

Hana Do
Hana Do

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My First Web Application Project at Flatiron School

For my first project at Flatiron School, I was given a task to build a Single Page Application (SPA) by using only HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The data had to be accessed from a public API. All communication would be through JSON fetch requests. Before coming up with a plan, we must understand what an API is. An API stands for Application Programming Interfaces. It provides an easier syntax to use by allowing difficult features to be more easy to use.
After carefully planning my project, I started building my HTML file. It is used to format my structure of the application. Unfortunately, you don’t get to see your work come alive yet.
Here’s where JavaScript comes in! JavaScript is an object orient programming language designed to allow users to create interactive and responsive web pages.
Now here comes the fun part! Creating the CSS file allows you to customize the HTML elements by defining styles that includes the layout, the design, and much more. You can play around with the features until the application is the way you want it to be!
Here is my full code:

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