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Otherdo: Adopt Other People's To-Do List!

As a beginner in web development community, I do many tutorials for learning tech stacks and I noticed that they involve to-do app in a way or another. Whether you are learning react hooks or building a simple API with nodejs. That genre of an app is kind of feel saturated in web development world since a long time a go yet there are many successful app in that genre and there seem to be no clear winner at this point. Presumably because each of them offers a certain twist that works or we human species just have many tools for many needs.

The other day, I was browsing on the internet for an app idea to make use of what I've learned these past weeks. Many blog posts suggested building some big names clone. At first, i was hooked to an idea of an amazon of quotation or collecting app like pinterest but with animal rescue twist. To my present skills and a need for some challange, collecting app would be good choice but animal rescue is too complicated of an issue.

I stumbled upon this #dohackathon yesterday and sadly for me it's just 5 days to the deadline. But I thought that maybe I can do it, with something simple. And here is where to-do app comes to the rescue. Also, this pandemic make me realize how fascinating the way in which our society is organized with digital apps nowadays. So, Let's just add social functionality.

The app is a to-do app where you can adopt other people's list. To make it more interesting, instead of sharing a list of all your tasks, you can share a list which consists of some ordered milestones. Other people can adopt your list as a checklist for them to complete. That's the basic idea. I'm sure someone has made this kind of app before and it's not something for me to be upset for. Anyway, I'm exited to work on this project. I plan to use MERN stack which I've been learning these past few weeks.

This is my first time participating in a hackathon, and also the first time documenting my working process like this. The deadline is in 5 days, but I'll try my best. Thanks to the promise of MERN stach which is scalable, my current goal for now is: at least it is functional. You can check the repo here. Let's see where it would go.

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