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Cover image for AutoDocument - Open-Source Mail Merge Alternative
Tom Malkin
Tom Malkin

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AutoDocument - Open-Source Mail Merge Alternative

AutoDocument - Open-Source Mail Merge Alternative

Hi there, this post is introducing AutoDocument, a free and open-source document generating web app that connects spreadsheets, databases and user forms into documents such as Microsoft Word and PDFs. It's based on fantastic open sources libraries like python-docx-template and headless LibreOffice.

MailMerge is a pain because it:

  • Only converts from Excel to Word
  • Uses special field objects in the Word document
  • Requires a Microsoft Office License
  • Has limited templating options

AutoDocument is a free and easily installable web app that can setup reusable Workflows that convert data from a variety of sources including straight from databases and spreadsheets to several types of outputs, including Word and PDFs. It only uses text based fields such as {{ myfield }} instead of special objects. It can deal with logical blocks of text and loops to populate flexible templates including lists and tables.


  • Create (optional) user forms to kick off a workflow and link to your users
  • Load and save data, templates and output from windows and linux network mounts, as well as S3 and SharePoint libraries.
  • Powerful templating based on jinja2 and python-docx-template with logic blocks (like if, while etc) as well as standard field substitution.
  • Chain sources together like forms, spreadsheets and SQL queries to create clever workflows

Easily installed by running the container:

Landing Page:

I'd appreciate it if you can try it out and give me some feedback!

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