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Harsh Mangalam
Harsh Mangalam

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Build fullstack resumable web app using Qwikcity and github rest api

In recent days may be you listen about resumable web app. In this blog post we will explore resumability by building Qwikhub (Qwikcity + Github rest api ) web app.

Qwik is an open source frontend framework reimaginated for the edge. Todays almost frameworks work on the concept of hydration (may be partial or island based architecture) to make web app interactive on the client but qwik is the first framework build on top of resumability and some framework also implementing resumability like marko.

Real world app is not so simple having only some data fetching or some mutations there we deal with lots of third party scripts like google analytics and lots of javascript (added by third party library + own code)
to make site more interactive. Many frameworks is working to solve and even solved the issues to send minimum or zero javascript to client like you may be come up with Fresh (Deno + Preact) , Sveltekit (Svelte meta framework) , Solidstart (Solid meta framework).

The things that make Qwik standout from the crowd is that Qwik app make site interactive using resumability without any expensive overhead of hydrating or rerun the same things twice on both server and client.

Qwikcity is a meta framework build on top of Qwik. It provides file based routing, nested layouts etc.. to build complete web app.

Lets init new qwikcity project

pnpm create qwik@latest
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follow your terminal instructions to configure and install dependencies.

After all setup start dev server

pnpm start
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It will open your qwikcity app on http://localhost:5173/

Install tailwindcss

pnpm run qwik add tailwind
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After that add tailwind directives inside src/global.css and restart you dev server.

Create src/components/appbar/index.tsx where we will add code for nav bar

import { component$ } from "";
import { Link } from "";
import { GithubIcon } from "~/icons/github";
import { QwikIcon } from "~/icons/qwik";

export const Appbar = component$(() => {
  return (
    <header class="bg-white border-b border-gray-300 shadow">
      <nav class="max-w-7xl px-4 mx-auto h-16 w-full flex items-center justify-between">
        <Link href="/" class="flex items-center space-x-3">
          <QwikIcon size={36} />
          <h1 class="text-2xl ">Qwikhub</h1>

            <a href="" target="_blank">
              <GithubIcon />

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Here the magic is component$ $ signal qwik optimizer to extract code for lazy loading and delay the execution of code as long as possible.For performance reason qwik optimizer is writter in rust.

The beauty of qwik code is that you can pick the html code from dev tools and paste is another tab your app will be interactive because all required data to make a site interactive available in html.

<QwikIcon> and <GithubIcon /> are icons available in src/icons folder.

Link is a framework specific component for navigating from one page to another.

Lets add our navbar in layout so that it will be availabe even we will navigate to another page.


import { component$, Slot } from "";
import { Appbar } from "~/components/appbar";

export default component$(() => {
  return (
      <Appbar />
      <main class="max-w-7xl w-full mx-auto px-4 py-6">
        <Slot />

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<Slot> component is a placeholder to render route data.
You can put those data in layout that you want to show on all page.

Lets create home page that will render a form to take username value from input.


import { component$, Resource } from "";
import { DocumentHead, RequestHandler, useEndpoint } from "";
import { fetchUser } from "~/services/api";

export default component$(() => {
  const endpointData = useEndpoint<ReturnType<typeof onPost>>();
  return (
      onPending={() => <div>Loading...</div>}
      onRejected={() => <div>Error</div>}
      onResolved={(data: any) => (
        <section class=" max-w-md mx-auto">
          <form method="POST" class="flex flex-col space-y-4">
            <div class="flex flex-col space-y-2">
                class={`text-gray-600 ${
                  data?.error?.username ? "text-red-500 " : ""
                Github username
                class={`${data?.error?.username ? "border-red-500" : ""}`}
              {data?.error && (
                <p class="text-red-500 text-sm ">{data.error.username}</p>

              class="bg-blue-500 text-white font-medium py-3 px-4"
          {data?.error?.message && (
            <div class="mt-6 border border-red-300 text-red-500 p-4">
              {data.error.documentation_url && (
                  class="text-blue-500 mt-2 block"
                  View details

export const onPost: RequestHandler = async ({ request, response }) => {
  const formData = await request.formData();
  const username = formData.get("username");

  if (!username || username.toString().trim().length === 0) {
    return {
      error: {
        username: "Username is required!",

  const [ok, data] = await fetchUser(username.toString());

  if (!ok) {
    return {
      error: data,

  throw response.redirect(`/${username}`);

export const head: DocumentHead = {
  title: 'Home | Qwikhub',
  meta: [
      name: 'description',
      content: 'Web app build with github rest api and qwikcity',

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If you want to server render your data you can utilize onGet for data fetching and onPost, onPut etc.. for data mutation.

When form data will be sumitted from client side it will available in your onPost request handler and then you can easily get it as a FormData

When you will return any data from onPost it will available in your client side using useEndpoint().
<Resource> component help you to track resource and you can render data according to status.

After validating username redirected to username dynamic page using response.redirect()

You can return head object from page to render data in <head></head>.

fetchUser function is utilizing web fetch() to fetch data from github rest api.

Lets create a dynamic page that will show username data


import { component$, Resource } from "";
import {
} from "";
import { InfoItem } from "~/components/info-item";
import { CompanyIcon } from "~/icons/company";
import { LinkIcon } from "~/icons/link";
import { LocationIcon } from "~/icons/location";
import { TwitterIcon } from "~/icons/twitter";
import { UsersIcon } from "~/icons/users";
import { fetchUser } from "~/services/api";

export default component$(() => {
  const endpointData = useEndpoint();
  const links = [
      name: "Repository",
      href: "repos",

  return (
      onPending={() => <div>Loading...</div>}
      onRejected={() => <div>Error</div>}
      onResolved={(data: any) => (
        <div class="mt-6 max-w-md mx-auto">
              class={`w-64 h-64  rounded-full`}

            <div class={`mt-4`}>
              <h2 class={`text-2xl font-bold`}>{}</h2>
              <h2 class={`text-xl text-gray-500`}>{data.login}</h2>
            <p class={`mt-4 text-gray-700 max-w-md`}>{}</p>

            <div class={`mt-4 flex items-center space-x-2`}>
                class={`flex items-center space-x-1 group`}
                <UsersIcon />
                <p class={`font-medium group-hover:text-blue-500`}>
                <p class={`text-gray-600 text-sm group-hover:text-blue-500`}>
                  {data.followers > 1 ? "followers" : "follower"}
                class={`flex items-center space-x-1 hover:text-blue-500 group`}
                <p class={`font-medium group-hover:text-blue-500`}>
                <p class={`text-gray-600 text-sm group-hover:text-blue-500`}>
                  {data.following > 1 ? "followings" : "following"}

            {/*  */}
            <div class={`mt-4 flex flex-col space-y-2`}>
              { && (
                <InfoItem text={} icon={<CompanyIcon />} />
              {data.location && (
                <InfoItem text={data.location} icon={<LocationIcon />} />
              { && (
                  icon={<LinkIcon />}
              {data.twitter_username && (
                  icon={<TwitterIcon />}
          <ul class="mt-6">
            { => (
                  class=" hover:bg-gray-200 bg-gray-100  px-4 py-2 rounded-full"

export const onGet: RequestHandler = async ({ response, params }) => {
  const username = params.username;
  if (!username || username.toString().trim().length === 0) {
    throw response.redirect("/");

  const [ok, data] = await fetchUser(username.toString());

  if (!ok) {
    throw response.redirect("/");

  return data;

export const head: DocumentHead = {
  title: "User | Qwikhub",

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here we are fetching user data on server using onGet request handler and redirecting to home page in case invalid username otherwise we return the user data.

Lets deploy this site on netlify. Add netlify adopter using qwik add

pnpm run qwik add netlify-edge

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And now you can deploy it on netlify.

Live url

Github repo

GitHub logo harshmangalam / qwikhub

Github web app build with qwikcity and github rest api

Qwik App ⚡️

Project Structure

Inside your project, you'll see the following directory structure:

├── public/
│   └──
└── src/
    ├── components/
    │   └── ...
    └── routes/
        └── ...
  • src/routes: Provides the directory based routing, which can include a hierarchy of layout.tsx layout files, and an index.tsx file as the page. Additionally, index.ts files are endpoints. Please see the routing docs for more info.

  • src/components: Recommended directory for components.

  • public: Any static assets, like images, can be placed in the public directory. Please see the Vite public directory for more info.

Add Integrations

Use the npm run qwik add command to add additional integrations. Some examples of integrations include: Cloudflare, Netlify or Express server, and the Static Site Generator (SSG).

npm run qwik add # or `yarn qwik add`
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Development mode uses Vite's development

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