DEV Community

Hasan Elsherbiny
Hasan Elsherbiny

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ADO OR Entity framework?

a lot of people are arguing about is it better to use ADO or Entity framework?

for me ,i preferer using Entity framework?
because of these reasons

  • Productivity
    EF abstracts away much of the boilerplate code involved in data access, allowing developers to work with higher-level concepts like entities, relationships, and LINQ queries. This can lead to increased developer productivity and faster development cycles.

  • ORM Features
    EF is an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework, which means it maps database tables to .NET objects and provides features like change tracking, lazy loading, and automatic schema generation. This abstraction simplifies data access and makes it easier to work with database entities in object-oriented code.

  • LINQ Support (this is my favorite part)
    EF integrates seamlessly with Language Integrated Query (LINQ), allowing me to write type-safe queries directly in C# or VB.NET code
    This improves code readability and maintainability compared to writing raw SQL queries.

  • Code-First Approach
    a code-first approach to database development, where i can define the database schema using C# or VB.NET classes and conventions This can streamline database development and eliminate the need for manual database creation and maintenance also it adds database schema history tracking and developer sharing changes on git.

but why some people preferer ADO?

  • Control and Flexibility
    ADO.NET offers more fine-grained control over database interactions compared to EF. Developers can write raw SQL queries, use stored procedures, and directly manipulate data readers for optimized performance and flexibility.

  • Performance
    Since ADO.NET allows developers to write optimized SQL queries, it can often lead to better performance, especially for complex database operations or when dealing with large datasets.

  • Legacy Systems
    ADO.NET has been around longer than EF and is deeply integrated with the .NET Framework. For legacy systems or projects where backward compatibility is crucial, ADO.NET may be a preferred choice.

  • Low-level Access
    ADO.NET provides low-level access to database connections, transactions, and command objects making it suitable for scenarios requiring fine-tuned control over database interactions.

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