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Hassan Mehmood
Hassan Mehmood

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Docker Cheat Sheet


  • Start a running container from an image
    docker run -ti ubuntu bash

  • List running containers
    docker ps

  • List all containers (running + stopped)
    docker ps -a

  • List last container
    docker -l

  • Delete a container after it finishes
    docker run -ti --rm ubuntu bash

  • Commit a container and create a new image from it. First find the container id or its name then run the following command. Lets say 1234 is container id and my_container is the name
    docker commit 1234 new_image_name
    docker commit my_container new_image_name

  • Attach an existing running container
    docker attach name_of_container

  • Now leaving container wihtout exiting it
    press and hold ctrl + p, ctrl + q

  • docker exec creates a new process in the existing container. Although it will die automatically if you close the original process

  • docker logs will print the logs of the container
    docker logs container_name

  • docker kill will kill the running container
    docker kill container_name

  • Removing containers
    docker rm container_name

  • If the outside ports are not assigned then it will choose any available port. To see which port it choose, run the following command
    docker port container_name


  • For displaying list of already existing networks.
    docker network ls

  • For creating a new network
    docker network create new_network_name

  • for starting a container within a network
    docker run -ti --net my_network_name --name my_container_name ubuntu bash


  • 2 main varieties of volumes
    Persistent --> they will still exist when the contaner is stopped
    Ephemeral --> they will be gone when no one (container) is using them

    • Sharing a volume with the host (Persistant)

      docker run -ti -v /full/path/to/folder:/shared_folder ubuntu bash

    • Sharing a volume b/w containers using volume-from (Ephemeral)
      docker run -ti -v /shared-data ubuntu bash

      • In above command Im creating a shared volume on the container that is not shared with the host
      • Now create another container and shared the above volume with the new continer

        docker run -ti --volume-from above_container_name ubuntu bash

      • Now important note: The above volume will be available as long as atleast one container is still using it. when no container is active that volume will disappear

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Latest comments (9)

lirantal profile image
Liran Tal

hmm, there's something but I can't remember its name.
maybe look through my starred repos

techyrajput profile image

Thanks for sharing 😊😊😊

lirantal profile image
Liran Tal

Even a repo at the end, nice!
I'm biased because I built dockly (, but maybe you'll find it useful as a terminal ui:

hasanmehmood profile image
Hassan Mehmood

@Liran WOW, good work. I will definitely try dockly :)
Thanks for sharing!

lirantal profile image
Liran Tal

thanks :)

karataev profile image
Eugene Karataev

Thanks for the list.
It seems that docker -l command doesn't work as expected. An alternative is docker container ls -l.

avasconcelos114 profile image
Andre Vasconcelos

Awesome list! I was not familiar with the concept of committing images

Technically the docker ps -a lists all containers regardless of whether they're running or not, it might be good to specify that :)

hasanmehmood profile image
Hassan Mehmood

Thanks, Andre, I have updated the description.

aliirz profile image
Ali Raza

Thanks for sharing this.