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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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Powerful File System manager for Nodejs

Mongez FS

Mongez FS is a sync file system for Nodejs that aims to make working with file system easier and more efficient.


npm install @mongez/fs
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Using Yarn

yarn add @mongez/fs
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Using pnpm

pnpm add @mongez/fs
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All methods are synced, so you can use them in your code without callbacks or promises.

import { fileExists } from '@mongez/fs';
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Copy file or directory

Copy a file or directory to another location.

import { copyPath } from '@mongez/fs';

copyPath('path/to/file', 'path/to/destination');
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Alternatively, you can use copyFile and copyDirectory to copy a file or directory respectively.

Check if file or directory exists

Check if a path exists

import { pathExists } from '@mongez/fs';

if (pathExists('path/to/file')) {
    // do something
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Check if a file exists

import { fileExists } from '@mongez/fs';

if (fileExists('path/to/file')) {
    // do something
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Check if a directory exists

import { directoryExists } from '@mongez/fs';

if (directoryExists('path/to/directory')) {
    // do something
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Check if is file

Check if a path is a file

import { isFile } from '@mongez/fs';

if (isFile('path/to/file')) {
    // do something
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Check if is directory

Check if a path is a directory

import { isDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

if (isDirectory('path/to/directory')) {
    // do something
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isDir is an alias to isDirectory

Get file contents

Get the content of a file

import { getFile } from '@mongez/fs';

const content = getFile('path/to/file');
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Update or create file contents

Put content in a file

import { putFile } from '@mongez/fs';

putFile('path/to/file', 'content');
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This function will update or create the file if it doesn't exist.

Append content to file

Append contents to the end of the file.

import { appendFile } from '@mongez/fs';

appendFile('path/to/file', 'content');
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Prepend content to file

Prepend contents to the beginning of the file.

import { prependFile } from '@mongez/fs';

prependFile('path/to/file', 'content');
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Get json file content

Get the content of a json file and parse it into an object

import { getJsonFile } from '@mongez/fs';

const content = getJsonFile('path/to/file.json'); // will return an object
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This function will update or create the file if it doesn't exist.

Put json to file

Put content in a json file

import { putJsonFile } from '@mongez/fs';

putJsonFile('path/to/file.json', { key: 'value' });
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Get file lines in array

Get the lines of a file line by line in an array

import { lines } from '@mongez/fs';

const lines: string[] = lines('path/to/file');
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If the file doesn't exist, an empty array will be returned.

Remove file or directory

Remove a file or directory

import { removePath } from '@mongez/fs';

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To remove files you can use removeFile or unlink

import { removeFile, unlink } from '@mongez/fs';

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To remove directories you can use removeDirectory or rmdir

import { removeDirectory, rmdir } from '@mongez/fs';

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Rename a file or directory

Rename a file or directory

import { renamePath } from '@mongez/fs';

renamePath('path/to/file', 'path/to/destination');
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renameFile renameDirectory are aliases for renamePath

Move a file or directory

Move a file or directory to another location

import { movePath } from '@mongez/fs';

movePath('path/to/file', 'path/to/destination');
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moveFile moveDirectory are aliases for movePath

Create New Directory

Create a directory, if the directory exists nothing happens.

import { makeDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

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mkdir and createDirectory are aliases for makeDirectory

If the directory already exists, it will throw an error.

You can also create a directory recursively

import { makeDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

makeDirectory('path/to/directory', {
    recursive: true,
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By default recursive is set to true

To set directory permissions, you can use mode option

import { makeDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

makeDirectory('path/to/directory', {
    mode: 0o777, // this is default mode
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Ensure Directory Exists

If you want to create the directory only if it doesn't exist, you can use ensureDirectory

import { ensureDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

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This will create the directory if it doesn't exist, otherwise it will do nothing.

Last Modified Time

Get the last modified date of a file or directory

import { lastModified } from '@mongez/fs';

const lastModified = lastModified('path/to/file'); // will return a Date object
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To get last modified time for file, use fileLastModified

import { fileLastModified } from '@mongez/fs';

const lastModified = fileLastModified('path/to/file'); // will return a Date object
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To get last modified time for directory, use directoryLastModified

import { directoryLastModified } from '@mongez/fs';

const lastModified = directoryLastModified('path/to/directory'); // will return a Date object
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File And Directory Size

Get the size of a file or directory in bytes.

import { pathSize } from '@mongez/fs';

const size = pathSize('path/to/file');
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To get file size, use fileSize

import { fileSize } from '@mongez/fs';

const size = fileSize('path/to/file');
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To get directory size, use directorySize

import { directorySize } from '@mongez/fs';

const size = directorySize('path/to/directory');
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Get file and directory size in human readable format

Get the size of a file or directory in human readable format.

import { humanSize } from '@mongez/fs';

const size = humanSize('path/to/file'); // 1.2 KB
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Get path stats

Get the stats of a file or directory

import { stats } from '@mongez/fs';

const stats = stats('path/to/file');
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The returned stats of the given file is cached, so the next time you call this function with the same path, the cached stats will be returned, if you want to disable the cache and get current stats pass second argument to false.

import { stats } from '@mongez/fs';

const stats = stats('path/to/file', false);
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Get file extension

Get the extension of a file

import { extension } from '@mongez/fs';

const extension = extension('path/to/file.txt'); // txt
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List files and directories in path

List files and directories in a path

import { list } from '@mongez/fs';

const files = list('path/to/directory');
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It will return an array contains all files and directories in the given path.

List files in path

List files only in a path

import { listFiles } from '@mongez/fs';

const files = listFiles('path/to/directory');
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It will return an array contains all files in the given path.

List directories in path

List directories only in a path

import { listDirectories } from '@mongez/fs';

const directories = listDirectories('path/to/directory');
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It will return an array contains all directories in the given path.

Check if path is empty

Check if file is empty

import { isEmptyFile } from '@mongez/fs';

const isEmpty = isEmptyFile('path/to/file');
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If the file doesn't exist, it will return true.

You can use isNotEmptyFile to check if file is not empty

import { isNotEmptyFile } from '@mongez/fs';

const isNotEmpty = isNotEmptyFile('path/to/file');
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Check if directory is empty

import { isEmptyDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

const isEmpty = isEmptyDirectory('path/to/directory');
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If the directory doesn't exist, it will return true.

You can use isNotEmptyDirectory to check if directory is not empty

import { isNotEmptyDirectory } from '@mongez/fs';

const isNotEmpty = isNotEmptyDirectory('path/to/directory');
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File system is a major part of any application, and it's important to have a good file system library, that's why I created this package, also having a readable and synchronized functions is a lot easier to work with, I hope you find it useful, if you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to post a comment below.

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