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Automating User Management on Linux with Bash Scripting

As a SysOps engineer, efficient user management is crucial for maintaining system security and functionality. I've developed a bash script called that automates user creation, password management, group assignment, and logging on Linux systems to simplify this process. This script is designed to dynamically handle multiple users and groups from a structured input file.

Script Overview

The script performs the following tasks:

Reading Input: It reads from an input file (users.txt), where each line contains a username and associated groups separated by semicolons (username;group1,group2).

User Creation: Checks if each user exists; if not, creates the user with a personal group (same name as the username).

Password Management: Generates a random password for each user and securely stores it in /var/secure/user_passwords.txt.

Group Management: Adds users to their group and optionally to additional groups specified in the input file.

Logging: Records all actions in /var/log/user_management.log for audit purposes.

Error Handling: Skips invalid lines and manages existing users gracefully.

Benefits of Using This Script

Efficiency: Automates tedious user management tasks, reducing manual errors and saving time.
Security: Ensures passwords are generated securely and stored in a protected file.
Flexibility: Handles varying user and group configurations dynamically from a single input file.
Auditability: Logs every action performed, providing accountability and traceability.
Usage Instructions
To utilize the script:

Ensure the users.txt file is formatted correctly with each line containing username; and groups.
Run the script with ./ users.txt on your Linux machine.


Automating user management tasks is essential for maintaining system integrity and security. The script simplifies these tasks by leveraging bash scripting capabilities. It ensures consistency, security, and efficiency in managing users and groups on Linux systems.

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Feel free to access the script on GitHub and adapt it to suit your system's specific requirements.

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