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Cover image for WhoDB - ultralight & lightning fast database explorer
Hemang Kandwal
Hemang Kandwal

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WhoDB - ultralight & lightning fast database explorer

I'm thrilled to announce the launch of WhoDB by Clidey! Our goal is to transform the user experience in database management.

We'd love to hear your feedback!

🔍 What is WhoDB?

WhoDB is a cutting-edge database explorer designed for 2024 and beyond. With WhoDB, you can:

Visualize Table Schemas: View table schemas as intuitive graphs and see how they're interconnected.
Explore Data Effortlessly: Dive deep into tables and their data with ease.
Export and Query: Seamlessly export data, set conditions, and execute Jupyter Notebook styled queries.

🎩 Make your database management disappear like magic! Just like Houdini, WhoDB will amaze you with its capabilities.

✨ Why WhoDB?

User Experience First: Think of Adminer, but built for 2024 with a modern, user-friendly interface.
Broad Support: Fully supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, MongoDB, Redis, MariaDB, & Elastic Search. Other SQL, NoSQL, Caches, & Queues coming soon.
Completely Open Source: WhoDB is entirely open source, so you can start using it right away and contribute to its growth.

🚀 Get Started Instantly:

Run WhoDB with a single Docker command:

**docker run -it -p 8080:8080 clidey/whodb

💬 Join the Community:

Have any issues or suggestions? Comment below or contribute on our GitHub page!

Let's make database management disappear like magic with WhoDB! ✨🔍

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