i have been learning and using Laravel in the past 3 years and i like it , i fell in love with its simplicity, extensive features , community and its convention over configuration principle ! if you follow the rules you can create APIs in no time !
usually create API's and back-end projects, and Laravel is always my go to, even though its a full-stack framework but its development experience never fails me and always keeps me performing as efficient as possible .
I still repeat some stuff when ever i create a new project , they cant really be conventional like
- user authentication
- profile update and show
- attachments handling
Recently , i created a template for my future projects , it is an API first back-end that has those functionalities ready to use and it has other code that i can use as reference . it has been quite helpful and i am looking forward to make it better .
you can visit the github repo here :
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template
i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples for repetitive blocks
What is it about ?
this is an API First Backend developed using laravel mysql and sacntum for authentification
A front end agnostic ready to use boilerplate for your next Mobile app or SPA
Features and Todo's
- authentication system
- profile fetch and update data
- reset passwords
- email verification
- user roles
- user crud for admins
- public upload example (profile picture)
- local upload example : private attachment
- social login
Admin provider Todo
- seperate admin provider (under feature/admin-provider)
- authentication system
- admin profile
- clean main roles system
you can add suggestions by modifying this file :)
Docker ?
if you have docker installed , all you have to do is running
$ git clone https://github.com/hijenhek/laravel-backend-boilerplate
$ cd laravel-backend-boilerplate
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/sail/up
it has those functionalities , feel free to comment and review it .
- authentication system - sanctum
- profile fetch and update data
- reset passwords
- email verification
- user roles
- user crud for admins
- public upload example (profile picture)
- local upload example : private attachment
- social login
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