DEV Community

Will Strohl
Will Strohl

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DNN Community: How has DNN Improved Your Life Over the Years?

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While a lot of people were doing all of their holiday parties, shopping, and other activities, DNN itself had a little secret... It turned 20 years young! You read that correctly. DNN was released more than 20 years ago, on Christmas Eve of 2022. Since then, DNN has helped millions of developers, business owners, marketers, designers, and others build incredible websites and website applications of all sizes, in all industries.

It is so cool (and a bit crazy) to me that DNN has done so much for so many people and businesses. With that spirit and gratefulness in mind, as yet another way to give back to the community, we decided to produce a handful of videos for you all to enjoy.

How has DNN Improved Your Life Over the Years?

We sent an invitation out to several community members, asking a single question, "How has DNN improved your life over the years?"

The videos we received were awesome. You'll not only find them on YouTube and in the DNN community video library, but we put them all here for you to enjoy all in one place.

Long Version

Short Version

Here are the full versions of each individual video. If you know any of these community members, we encourage you to reach out to them and speak to them about their DNN community experiences. Maybe there's something you can do with them to help the community grow in some way. (That's always good for all of us. #abundance)

Cassidi Peterson

Cathy Lee

Clint Patterson

Will Strohl

Don Gingold

Jeremy Farrance

Aderson Oliveira

We hope these videos bring a little bit of joy to your day! :)

This blog post is cross-posted from the official DNN Community website.

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