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Holiq Ibrahim
Holiq Ibrahim

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KoalaFacade Domain Driven Design for Laravel

Hello coders!!
Me and my friends has been create a package for Laravel, it called as Diamond Console, basically it is a package for Artisan Command to handle Domain Driven Design projects based on Laravel structure, You can check our repository below.

GitHub logo KoalaFacade / diamond-console

Artisan command package to handle your Domain Driven Design project that suitable with Laravel base structures, made for comer of Domain Driven Design and advanced.

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Artisan command package to handle your Domain Driven Design project that suitable with Laravel base structures, made for comer of Domain Driven Design and advanced.


you can visit our official documentation to read the usage case Diamond Console's Docs


Thanks for consideration to contribute to Diamond Console of Domain Driven Design you can go through to Contribute Area

And we made a boilerplate of that, so you don't need to string up it from scratch, you can check it on our repo below.

GitHub logo KoalaFacade / diamond-of-ddd

The Artisan of Domain-Driven Design

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