DEV Community

Hossam Mourad
Hossam Mourad

Posted on

What terminal do you use?

I was a long term user of iTerm but recently made the switch to Hyper.

What terminal do you use and what kind of extensions/tricks/aliases that you use frequently?

Top comments (11)

wulymammoth profile image
David • Edited

Why did you switch to Hyper? I've test-driven it and found it to be quite clunky.

I was using iTerm2, but switched to Alacritty. Some of the pros:

  • the speed difference is perceptible to me
  • it is written in Rust which I'm a huge fan of
  • portability across different Linux distros and macOS
  • configuration is easy and portable (saved in a dotfile)


  • no tabs (I use tmux)
  • single instance so I must move it around (although people have figured out a way to do it w/o any additional plugins or software under the issues tab)
  • no status line : I like knowing my resource utilization in real-time without resorting to Mac's Activity Monitor, top, or htop (but certainly less distrations)

It's more for the keyboard shortcut warriors IMO that use emacs/vim with tmux. Hard for me to go back to iTerm2 with tabs now because I have at least five sessions open, each housing a different project or repo, employing tmux plugins like resurrect and continuum give me auto-save and restore on reboots or even connecting remotely. I wish I had known sooner how easy it was to get up and running and learn tmux. I never have to figure out how to re-open all my projects anymore when the system panics or dreading a restart

pssingh21 profile image
Peeyush Man Singh

I find Terminator the best.

avalander profile image

I mostly use Terminator as well.

brandonskerritt profile image

I'm using Kitty
I was using Alacritty, but it didn't allow Fira Code

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

on Windows, windows terminal is pretty solid, also using hyper on everything else

ypedroo profile image
Ynoa Pedro

as from right now testing terminus which is beaultiful

clschnei profile image
Chris Schneider
bovermyer profile image
Ben Overmyer

In Windows, Windows Terminal.
In Linux, whatever the default is.
In macOS, iTerm2.

skorotkiewicz profile image
Sebastian Korotkiewicz

iTerm and the terminal built into the VScode.

polilluminato profile image
Alberto Bonacina

When I'm on Linux the default terminal based on the distro, on Mac I use iTerm2 , and some time ago Terminus

adembudak_ profile image
Adem Budak

Most of the time what comes with the OS. For now, on Debian 10 Plazma, Konsole.