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Humza Tareen
Humza Tareen

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Mastering Real-Time Analytics: How to Use ApacheAGE for High-Performance Graph Querying

In today's fast-paced business environment, real-time analytics has become an essential tool for decision-making. ApacheAGE is an open-source software that enables real-time analytics on large-scale graph data. This tutorial will guide you through the process of using ApacheAGE for real-time data analytics.

What is ApacheAGE?

ApacheAGE is a distributed query engine designed for large-scale graph data. It is built on top of Apache Arrow, a columnar in-memory data format, and supports various graph query languages such as Cypher and PGQL. ApacheAGE allows users to run complex graph queries on large-scale graph data with high performance and scalability.

Setting up ApacheAGE

To use ApacheAGE for real-time analytics, you need to first set up the environment. You can install ApacheAGE using pip:

pip install apache-age

Once you have installed ApacheAGE, you can start the server using the following command:


This command will start the ApacheAGE server on your local machine.

Loading Data into ApacheAGE

To load data into ApacheAGE, you need to create a graph schema using the CREATE GRAPH statement. Here is an example of how to create a graph schema for a social network:

CREATE GRAPH social_network (
person VERTEX,
knows EDGE (person, person),
likes EDGE (person, post),

This schema defines a social network with two types of vertices (person and post) and two types of edges (knows and likes). Once you have defined the graph schema, you can load data into the graph using the LOAD CSV statement. Here is an example of how to load data into the social network graph:

LOAD CSV "person.csv" AS row
CREATE (:person {id: row[0], name: row[1]})
LOAD CSV "post.csv" AS row
CREATE (:post {id: row[0], text: row[1]})
LOAD CSV "knows.csv" AS row
MATCH (p1:person {id: row[0]}), (p2:person {id: row[1]})
CREATE (p1)-[:knows]->(p2)
LOAD CSV "likes.csv" AS row
MATCH (p:person {id: row[0]}), (post:post {id: row[1]})
CREATE (p)-[:likes]->(post)

Running Queries in ApacheAGE

Once you have loaded data into ApacheAGE, you can run queries on the graph. ApacheAGE supports various query languages such as Cypher and PGQL. Here is an example of how to run a Cypher query to find all the posts that a person likes:

MATCH (p:person {name: "John"})-[:likes]->(post:post)
RETURN post.text

This query finds all the posts that the person named John likes and returns the text of the posts. ApacheAGE supports real-time analytics, which means that the query will be executed in real-time, and the results will be returned immediately.


ApacheAGE is an excellent tool for real-time analytics on large-scale graph data. It is easy to set up and use, and it supports various graph query languages such as Cypher and PGQL. With ApacheAGE, you can perform complex graph queries on large-scale graph data in real-time.

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