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VS Code define a #region

just show me

Visual Studio Code is definitely one of my favourite code editors and I use it all the time. Recently I stumbled upon the #region keyword. Using this you are able to wrap a section of code that will be collapsed together. This makes organising code a lot easier and allows you to focus on the functionality you're writing and ignore everything else.

Folding Guide

Example time

I will be showing off how to do this in JavaScript, but it is available in quite a very languages. See the guide above.

function add(a, b) {
  return a + b

function minus(a, b) {
  return a - b

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b

function divide(a, b) {
  return a / b
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Without folding, the best you can do, in terms of folding, is the following;

function add(a, b) {...

function minus(a, b) {...

function multiply(a, b) {...

function divide(a, b) {...
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Not bad but if you add appropriate jsdoc blocks the functions still take up a decent footprint. With regions, you are able to do the following;

// #region Math functions
function add(a, b) {
  return a + b

function minus(a, b) {
  return a - b

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b

function divide(a, b) {
  return a / b
// #endregion
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Now you are able to collapse the code at the // #region definition, collapsing the code down to;

// #region Math functions ...
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Stay safe out there ❤️

Top comments (4)

kasir-barati profile image
Mohammad Jawad (Kasir) Barati

Not working in Dockerfiles unfortunately :sad: and I believe it is thanks to how we can write comments in Dockerfiles, so the same goes for yaml files and bash script files

tsmmark profile image
Mark Allen

have you tried the maptz.regionfolder extension ?

jayawardanajth profile image


rahulto profile image
