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Error types

1.TypeError - Data type value is not expected type.

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2.SyntaxError - we miss something or left any extra characters like this , . or any letter in empty space it response SyntaxError so Js try to knows all written things in it. Also when we write wrong some words in console but we write it in up other word it also considered SyntaxError.

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3.ReferenceError - If we call somthing in console and it has not or has not createn , it searchs from the global scope al least and couldn't find and response ReferenceError.

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4.Internal Error - while we apply with Js to server and it couldn't response any data , it is an Internal Error. And it response some kind of number value Errors.

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5.Range Error - if Js run some Loops and there is no enaught memory for them, it response Range Error and It say so -> Maximum call stack size exceeded, It means that if we call samthing more and there is not any empty spaces for saving it, It will response us this kind of Error type.

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6.Eval Error - This exception is not thrown by JavaScript anymore, however the EvalError object remains for compatibility.

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7.URI Error - It can also be thrown by encodeURI and encodeURIComponent if the specified string contains illegal Unicode surrogate pairs.

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