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Super Kai (Kazuya Ito)
Super Kai (Kazuya Ito)

Posted on

Overfitting vs Underfitting in PyTorch

Buy Me a Coffee


  • is the problem which a model can make accurate predictions for train data a lot but a little for new data(including test data) so the model fits train data much more than new data.
  • occurs because:
    • train data is small(not enough) so the model can only learn a small number of patterns.
    • train data is imbalanced(biased) having a lot of specific(limitted), similar or same data but not a lot of various data so the model can only learn a small number of patterns.
    • train data has a lot of noise(noisy data) so the model learns the patterns of the noise a lot but not the patters of normal data. *Noise(noisy data) means outliers, anomalies or sometimes duplicated data.
    • the training time is too long with a too large number of epochs.
    • the model is too complex.
  • can be mitigated by:


  • is the problem which a model cannot make accurate predictions both for train data and new data(including test data) a lot so the model doesn't fit both train data and new data.
  • occurs because:
    • the model is too simple(not complex enough).
    • the training time is too short with a too small number of epochs.
    • Excessive regularization is applied.
  • can be mitigated by:
    • Increasing model complexity.
    • Increasing the training time with a larger number of epochs
    • Decreasing regularization.

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