2019 Google Developers ML Summit Taipei
Author: Corey Lai
Date: 2019.03.29
1. Opening Google ML 產品概觀
Lecturer : 上官林傑 / Eric ShangKuan
Developer Relations Program Manager
Data Flow Graphs 計算框架
- 彈性直覺的
- 自動化區別分類
- 支援多線程、佇列、異步處理
- 在多CPU、GPU、TPU下進行訓練
- 運行於多種平台上
Tensorflow Lite
Google Company of Dataset
MLKit for Firebased
- 專門給予行動裝置功能強大並簡單使用的SDK
- 可以在Local端以及雲端進行運算
- 提供方便的APIs幫助您使用您客製化的 Tensorflow Lite 模型於App中
Actions on Google
GDG 開發者社群
- GDG 計畫 Google Developer Group
- 全球925個GDG中台灣有7個GDG聚會
- GTop meetup.com/pro/gdg
2. TensorFlow 2.0 Updates
Lecturer : 佐藤一憲 / Kaz Sato
Developer Advocate, Cloud Platform 8 years
Use Case
Cleaning House Lemon
洗衣工廠開發Ai自動辨識 透過tensorflow在沒有經驗的工程師底下開始學習開發,花費2~3年開發辨識衣服類型,以分類洗衣方式,沒有任何專家的協助下,透過自我學習的方式學會使用Tensorflow.
Air Cognizer
學習天氣規則以及影響 劇烈天氣影響
for studying the effect of extrme weather, Using TensorFlow Lite to Predict Air Quality.
Ranking Tweets with TensorFlow
非常困難使用 學習曲線過高
Numpy python .. model pythonic
high level api make it simple
貢獻你的 simply api
Split Network Architecture For Timelines Model
2.0 Update
- Simplified intergrated Api
- Converter script to upgrade from 1.x
- 1.x compatible module included
Deploy anywhere Server , Edge devices
2.0 訓練開發流程
Traning -> read and preproccess data -> Tensorflow flow hub -> tf.keras -> premade Est
tf.data feature column -> model building keras -> traning eager execute -> saveing model
Flexibility for every use case
tf.keras.models.Sequential ([... adding model])
TensorrFlow Probability
- A toolbox for probabilistic modelling
- Simple Linear Regression
- Simple Linear Regression with Probability
- Fit Mormal Distributaion
Tensorboard 可視覺化學習
Tracking Metrics Model/Graph what-if model inspection, Histograms, Embedding
TenslorFlow Dataset Allow you to download use dataset (import tensorflow_datasets as tfds)
single line to donwload data set
Tensorflow Extends
TFX Config
Air Runtime -> Kubeflow runtime -> your own favorite orchestrator
Need to spending much time on data validation
Tensorflow model analysis
Build and deploy ML models using JS on Browser, Node, and other platform
Tensorflow Lite
ML edge computing with Tensorflow Lite
Use Case
Speech Detection | Video Segmentation | Edge Detection |
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Google Keyboard | QIY | Google Photo |
Focused on Speed
Incredible inference performance
CPU on MobileNet -> CPU Quantization -> Flow OpenGL -> Edge TPU 62x fixed point
Edge TPU
A google designed ASIC that let you run inference on device
Coral Accelerator
TPU Google Edge TPU
Tensorflow Lite for Micocontrollers smallest cpu tiny models on tiny computers
Live Edge TPU Demo
3. TensorFlow and Cloud TPU
Lecturer : 魏澤人 / Tzer-jen Wei
Google Developers Experts (Machine Learning)
- 每秒 420 萬億次浮點運算
- 128 GB HBM
Cloud TPU v2 Pod Alpha
- 11.5 petaflops 每秒 11.5 千兆次浮點運算
- 4 TB HBM
- 2-D toroidal mesh network 2-D 環面網狀網路
Edge TPU (Coral)
Cloud TPU
your vm -network- > host vm(runs data feed) -pci v3 x32-> TPU board(runs traning code) = 8 TPU Core
data from cloud storage
Cloud TPU Pod (不提供)
vm or container -> computerional Graph -> cloud bigtable (互相連結)
TPU System Architecture
Complexity Matrix Multiplication | History |
Native $O(n^3)$ Solvay Strassen $O(n^{2.807})$ Coppersmith-Winograd $O(n^{2.3737})$ Fastest Know $O(n^{2.37})$ TPU $O(3n-2)$ |
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Cloud TPU Programming
Transferring data between Cloud TPU and Host Memory slow
Cloud TPU interconnect and the on chip hbm are faster
input traning data is streamed to an infeed quene on Cloud TPU
適用: 模型有很多矩陣運算
不適用: 運算多變時運算效能會降低
to TPU
Estimator API
Convert to TPU
convert tf.estimator.E to tf.contrib.tpu.TPUEstimator
Or Using Keras
Numpy Array
infeed_manager = TPUDatasetInfeedManage(dataset)
TPU Process numpy, dataset
numpy 過大 建議使用 dataset
Tensorboard TPU
協助監控問題: 效能監控、速度、HOST、IDLE、TPU、IDLE、PCI-E
4. Cloud AI: A New Wave for Developing Machine Learning Applications
Lecturer : 林書平 / Harry Lin
Customer Engineer Google Cloud
AI Journey On Google Cloud
Three Way for ML Development on GCP
your data + your model = build your own models
your data + our model = AutoML
our data + our model = call our proceptions api
Cloud TPUs Compute, Computer Engine
Tensorflow, Keras, H20, XGBoost, weka, skit , pytorch
Cloud Dataproc = Spark (Managed Hadoop)
Kubernetes = Kubeflow (Managed Kubernetes)
Introducing Cloud AutoML
New Deep Learning VM Image
- Fast Prototyping
- CPU, GPU and TPU Support
- Performance Optimized for Google Cloud
- Flexibility
Data Parallelism vs Model Parallelism
Data Parallelism : to proccess multiple mini-batches in different work simultaneously
Model Parallelism : to run different model operations on multiple devices simultaneously
Hyperparameter Tuning
- Automatic hyperparameter turning service
- google developer black-box search (bayesian optimisation) algorithm
- in addition to random search and gird search
- support numic, discrete and categorical param
- early stopping and resumability
- 「輸入資料」(也稱做訓練資料) 是個別記錄 (樣本) 的集合,其中包含了對機器學習問題來說很重要的特徵。系統在訓練期間會使用這種資料設定模型,以準確地預測類似資料的新樣本。不過,輸入資料中的值一律不會直接成為模型的一部分。
- 模型的「參數」是指選定的機器學習技術用來調整資料的變數。舉例來說,深層類神經網路 (DNN) 由處理節點 (神經元) 組成,每個處理節點會包含將資料傳輸到網路時對資料執行的作業。DNN 經過訓練後,每個節點會包含一個權重值,可告知您的模型其對於最終預測的影響程度。那些權重值是模型參數的範例。從許多方面來說,模型的參數「是」模型,用於區別您的特定模型和其他處理類似資料的相同類型模型。
- 您的「超參數」是管理訓練程序本身的變數。舉例來說,在設定深層類神經網路的過程中,會需要決定輸入層和輸出層之間要使用多少節點的隱藏層,以及每層要使用多少節點。這些變數與訓練資料沒有直接關聯,屬於設定變數。請注意,參數在訓練工作中會有所變更,而超參數在工作期間通常會保持不變。
Google Cloud CI/CD
Use Case
How a Japanese cucumber farmer is using deep learning and TensorFlow
日本小黃瓜農透過 Tensorflow 訓練資料分類小黃瓜大小
Tensorflow-based Cucumber Selector
Disney Shop Search
「Cloud AutoML 的技術讓我們能夠輕鬆建構視覺模型,以 Disney 角色、產品類別和顏色來標註我們的產品。我們將這些註解整合至我們的搜尋引擎,在 shopDisney 中提供更多的相關搜尋結果、快速查詢功能和產品建議,成功改善顧客的使用體驗。」
- Disney 消費性產品與互動媒體技術長暨資深副總裁 Mike White
Photo dataset -> AutoML Vision -> Generate Predictions
5. Bringing modern AI to your apps with ML Kit for Firebase
Lecturer : 李致緯 / Richard Lee
CTO / Co-founder Polydice
ML @ iCook
- Content Ranking 訂閱服務 推薦最棒食譜
- As VIP Subscription
- Chat-Based Agent
- Action on Google
ML in Pratice
- Traning Cost is high
- From data science to app service is messy
Traning Cost is high
- Two Type Problem
- General :OCR / Face detection etc...
- Domain specific :Recipes labels etc...
You Should Only Spend Time in Domain Problem
From lab to app
- After traning a model in lab ,you may
- Set up a prediction API
- What if devices are offline?
- Set up a prediction API
- Embed model in your app
- How to update?
Google Solution ML kit for firebase
Firebase is
- Google’s Mobile
- Platform that help you
- quickly develop
- high-quality
Pre-built general purpose models
Face Recognition
- Landmark detection - POIs on face
- Contour - shape of face
- Classification - smile/eye open
Image Labeling
- detect what’s in images
- with confidence levels
- Knowledge Graph EntityID
Landmark Detection
- Online Only
- Detect where the is
- Return Knowledge Graph
- Longitude & latitude
Compare Cloud vs On device
Device: Food / Cuisine
Cloud: + ingredient/ salad/ seafood/ recipe/ …
Model delopyment based on TF Lite
App ML Considerations
- Should I bundle model with app?
- Increase initial download size
- Should I update model ?
- Download over celllar or wifi
Pro Tips: Use with other Firebase APIs
- Analytics
- Evaluate performance
- Remote Config
- Dynamically update setting
- Combined
- A/B test your model
Summary - ML Kit
- Google’s solution for ML in practice
- State-of-art pre-trained models
- Model depoly done easy
Wanna use as API?
Cloud Vision API ⇔ Firebase
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