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Atif Riaz
Atif Riaz

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30 Days Frontend Development Roadmap 2024

30 days Frontend Development Roadmap is a comprehensive guide to becoming a well-rounded front-end developer. In just 30 days, you will learn the skills and technologies you need to build beautiful, responsive websites and web applications.

This roadmap covers everything from HTML, CSS/CSS3, SASS, Less, and Javascript. By the end of this roadmap, you'll be able to build user interfaces that look great and work flawlessly on any device.

Whether you're just starting your coding journey or a seasoned veteran looking for a refresher, this roadmap is for you. So let's get started!

  • What is Frontend Development?

Frontend development is the practice of building user interfaces for websites and web applications. This can include designing and coding responsive website layouts to implementing interactive features like animations and forms.

No matter your level of experience, there's always something new to learn in front-end development. It can be tough to keep up with new technologies and emerging trends. That's where this roadmap comes in.

  • The Roadmap

This roadmap is divided into four sections, each covering a different aspect of frontend development:

  • HTML & CSS - In this section, you'll learn how to code with HTML and CSS, the two fundamental languages of the web.
  • Responsive Design - You'll learn how to make your websites look great on any device, from phones and tablets to laptops and desktops.
  • CSS Pre-Processors - In this section, you'll learn how to use CSS pre-processors like Sass and Less to streamline your CSS code.
  • JavaScript - In this section, you'll learn how to add interactivity to your websites with JavaScript. By the end of this section, you'll be able to build simple web applications.

So without further ado, let's get started on the Frontend Development Roadmap of 30 days!

Day 1: HTML & CSS

On day one, you will learn the basics of HTML and CSS. These two languages are essential for coding websites and web applications, so it's important to have a strong understanding of them.

  • What is HTML?

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the code to structure a website's content. It is made up of elements that are placed inside tags. For example, this paragraph is structured using the <p> tag.

  • What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a code to style a website's content. CSS is made up of style rules that are applied to the HTML elements on a page. For example, this paragraph has a CSS rule that sets the font size to 18px.

  • How do I code with HTML & CSS?

To code with HTML and CSS, you will need a text editor. A text editor is a program that allows you to write and edit code. Some popular text editors include Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code.

Once you have a text editor installed on your computer, you can create a new HTML file by creating a new file with the .html extension. For example, you could name your file my-first-website.html.

Then, you can start coding in HTML. Every HTML document starts with a doctype declaration, which tells the web browser what type of document to expect.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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Next, you'll need the <html> element. This element encapsulates all the content on a webpage.

<!-- The content on your webpage goes here -->
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Inside the <html> element, you can add any other HTML elements to structure your content. For example, you could add a heading element (<h1>) and a paragraph element (<p>).

<h1>This is a heading</h1>
<p>This is a paragraph.</p>
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You'll need to create a CSS file to style your HTML with CSS. You can do this by creating a new file with the .css extension. For example, you could name your file styles.css.

Then, you can start coding in CSS. Every CSS rule has two parts: a selector and a declaration. The selector is used to target the HTML element that you want to style. The declaration sets the element's properties, such as the font size or color.

h1 {
font-size: 18px; /* This is a declaration */
} /* This is a selector */
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To apply your CSS rules to your HTML, you'll need to link your CSS file to your HTML file. You can add a <link> element inside your HTML document's <head> element. The <link> element has two attributes: href and type. The href attribute tells the browser where to find the CSS file. The type attribute tells the browser what type of file it is.

<link href="styles.css" type="text/css">
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now that you know the basics of HTML and CSS, you're ready to start coding!

Day 2: CSS Layouts

On day two, you will learn about CSS layouts. A CSS layout is a way of organizing your HTML elements on a webpage. There are three common types of CSS layouts:

  • Float Layout - The HTML elements are floated left or right in a float layout. This allows the elements to be next to each other instead of stacked on top.
  • Flexbox Layout - In a flexbox layout, the HTML elements are organized in a flex container. The flex container can be set to wrap the elements or to scroll horizontally or vertically.
  • Grid Layout - The HTML elements are organized in a grid layout. The grid can have multiple rows and columns, and the elements can span multiple rows and columns.

Day 3: CSS Positions

On day three, you will learn about CSS positions. CSS positions are used to position HTML elements on a webpage. There are four types of CSS positions:

Static - The element is positioned according to the document's normal flow. This is the default position.

Relative - The element is positioned relative to its normal position.

Absolute - The element is positioned relative to the nearest ancestor that has a position other than static.

Fixed - The element is positioned relative to the viewport.

Day 4: CSS Preprocessors

On day four, you will learn about CSS preprocessors. A CSS preprocessor is a program that allows you to write CSS code in a different language. The most popular CSS preprocessor is Sass.

Sass is a CSS preprocessor that adds extra features to CSS, such as variables and mixins. These features make Sass more powerful than regular CSS.

Day 5: Responsive Web Design

On day five, you will learn about responsive web design. Responsive web design makes a website look good on all devices (such as phones, tablets, and laptops).

There are many ways to make a website responsive. One way is to use media queries. Media queries allow you to target specific screen sizes and apply different CSS rules to each screen size.

Day 6: CSS Animations

On day six, you will learn about CSS animations. A CSS animation is a way of adding movement to an HTML element.

CSS animations are created using the @keyframes rule. The @keyframes rule defines the stages of the animation. Each stage has a different CSS style that will be applied to the element.

Day 7: CSS Transitions

On day seven, you will learn about CSS transitions. A CSS transition is a way of adding transition effects to an HTML element.

CSS transitions are created using the transition property. The transition property defines the transition effect's duration, delay, and easing.

Day 8: CSS Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements

On day eight, you will learn about CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. A CSS pseudo-class is a way of adding special styles to an HTML element.

CSS pseudo-classes are created using the : character. For example, the :hover pseudo-class can be used to add a hover effect to an HTML element.

CSS pseudo-elements are used to style parts of an HTML element that are not inside the HTML element. For example, the ::before pseudo-element can be used to insert content before an HTML element.

Day 9: Fonts

On day nine, you will learn about fonts. Fonts are the typefaces used on a webpage.

There are two types of fonts: system fonts and web fonts. System fonts are installed on a user's computer, while web fonts are downloaded from the internet.

Web fonts can be used to create custom typefaces for a webpage. The most popular font formats are WOFF, WOFF2, and EOT.

Day 10: Icons

On day ten, you will learn about icons. Icons are small images used to represent an action or a concept.

Icons can be created using a vector graphic program like Adobe Illustrator. Once the icons are created, they can be exported as SVG files.

SVG files can be used on a webpage by embedding them into the HTML code. Icons can also be added to a webpage using icon fonts. Icon fonts are fonts that contain icons instead of letters.

Day 11: SVGs

On day eleven, you will learn about SVGs. SVGs are vector graphic files that can be used on a webpage.

SVGs can be created using a vector graphic program like Adobe Illustrator. Once the SVG is created, it can be exported as an SVG file.

SVG files can be used on a webpage by embedding them into the HTML code. SVGs can also be added to a webpage using icon fonts. Icon fonts are fonts that contain icons instead of letters.

Day 12: The Box Model

On day twelve, you will learn about the box model. The box model is a way of adding margins, borders, and padding to an HTML element.

The box model comprises four properties: margin, border, padding, and content. The margin property defines the space outside of an element. The border property defines a line around an element. The padding property defines the space inside of an element. The content property defines the element's content.

Day 13: Flexbox

On day thirteen, you will learn about flexbox. Flexbox is a CSS layout mode that makes it easy to align and justify elements on a webpage.

Flexbox is made up of two properties: flex-direction and justify-content. The flex-direction property defines the direction of the elements. The justify-content property defines how the elements are justified.

Day 14: CSS Grid

On day fourteen, you will learn about the CSS grid. CSS grid is a CSS layout mode that makes it easy to create complex layouts.

CSS grid is made up of two properties: grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. The grid-template-columns property defines the columns in a grid. The grid-template-rows property defines the rows in a grid.

Day 15: CSS Frameworks

On day three, you will learn about CSS frameworks. A CSS framework is a collection of HTML and CSS rules that can be used to style a webpage.

There are many CSS frameworks, but some of the most popular ones include Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, ChakraUI, and Bulma.

CSS frameworks can be used to style a webpage quickly. They can also be used to create responsive web pages, which are pages that look good on all devices.

Day 16: JavaScript Basics

On day sixteen, you will learn about JavaScript basics. JavaScript is a programming language that can add interactivity to a webpage.

JavaScript code is written in files with a .js extension. The code is executed by the browser when the webpage is loaded.

JavaScript code can be added to a webpage using the <script> element. The <script> element can be placed in the <head> or <body> of an HTML document.

Day 17: Javascript Variables Var, let, const

On day seventeen, you will learn about variables. Variables are used to store values in a program.

JavaScript has three types of variables: var, let, and const. Var variables are global variables. Let variables are local variables. Const variables are constant variables.

Day 18: Data Types In Javascript

On day eighteen, you will learn about data types. Data types are used to define the type of data that a variable can store.

JavaScript has seven data types: string, number, boolean, null, undefined, object, and symbol. Strings are used to store text data. Numbers are used to store numeric data. Booleans are used to store true or false values. Null is used to store a null value. Undefined is used to store an undefined value. Objects are used to store data in a key-value format. Symbols are used to create unique identifiers.

Day 19: Operators In Javascript

You will learn about operators on day nineteen. Operators are symbols that are used to perform operations on variables.

JavaScript has six types of operators: assignment, arithmetic, comparison, logical, bitwise, and ternary. Assignment operators are used to assigning values to variables. Arithmetic operators are used to performing arithmetic operations on variables. Comparison operators are used to comparing two values. Logical operators are used to combining two Boolean values. Bitwise operators are used to performing bitwise operations on variables. The ternary operator is a conditional operator used to select one of two values based on a condition.

Day 20: If Statements And Loops In Javascript

On day twenty, you will learn about if statements and loops. If statements are used to execute code based on a condition. Loops are used to execute code multiple times.

JavaScript has three types of loops: for, while, and do-while. For loops are used to execute code a specific number of times. While loops are used to execute code until a condition is met. Do-while loops are used to execute code at least once and then repeat the code until a condition is met.

Day 21: Functions In Javascript

You will learn about functions on day twenty-one. Functions are pieces of code that can be executed multiple times.

Functions are declared using the function keyword. Functions can take arguments and return values.

Function arguments are variables that are passed into a function. Function return values are values that are returned by a function.

Day 22: Objects In Javascript

An object is a collection of key-value pairs. Keys are used to identifying values in an object. Values can be any data type.

JavaScript objects are created using the Object() constructor. Objects can be created using object literal.

An object literal is a comma-separated list of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces.

Keys in an object literal must be unique. Values in an object literal can be of any data type.

Day 23: Arrays In Javascript

An array is a collection of values of the same data type. Arrays are indexed, meaning each value in an array has a numeric index.

JavaScript arrays are created using the Array() constructor. Arrays can be created using array literals.

An array literal is a comma-separated list of values enclosed in square brackets.

Values in an array can be of any data type.

Day 24: Date And Time In Javascript

The Date() object works with dates and times in JavaScript.

The Date() object has many methods that can be used to get the current date and time, format dates and times, and calculate dates and times.

Day 25: Math In Javascript

The Math object is used to perform mathematical operations in JavaScript.

The Math object has many methods that can be used to perform basic mathematical operations, generate random numbers, and calculate trigonometric functions.

Day 26: RegExp In Javascript

A regular expression is a pattern that can be used to match strings.

Regular expressions are created using the RegExp() constructor. Regular expressions can also be created using regular expression literal.

Regular expression literals are enclosed in slashes.

Day 27: Error Handling In Javascript

Error handling is dealing with errors that occur when your code is executed.

JavaScript has two types of errors: syntax errors and runtime errors. Syntax errors occur when your code is not valid in JavaScript. Error errors occur when your code attempts to do something that is impossible.

JavaScript has two ways of dealing with errors: try-catch statements and the throw keyword.

Try-catch statements are used to handle runtime errors. The throw keyword is used to generate custom errors.

Day 28: Cookies In Javascript

Cookies are small pieces of data stored on a user's computer. Cookies store information about a user, such as their name, email address, and password.

Cookies are created using the Cookie() constructor. Cookies are set using the setCookie() method. Cookies are retrieved using the getCookie() method.

Day 29: Event handling In Javascript

Events are actions in the browser, such as a user clicking a button or moving their mouse over an element.

JavaScript can respond to events using event handlers. Event handlers are functions that are executed when an event occurs.

There are many different events, each with a different set of properties.

Day 30: Window Object In Javascript

The window object is the global object in JavaScript. The window object has many properties and methods that can be used to manipulate the browser window.

Some of the most popular properties and methods of the window object include:

  • open() - opens a new browser window
  • close() - closes the current browser window
  • resizeTo() - resizes the current browser window to a specified width and height
  • scrollTo() - scrolls the current browser window to a specified position

Free Resources:

Here are the important resources to learn about frontend development:

  • Websites
  1. W3Scchools:
  2. Codecademy:
  3. freeCodeCamp:
  4. MDN Web Docs:
  5. Dash by General Assembly:
  6. Scrimba:
  7. The Odin Project:
  8. Google Developers:
  9. Udemy:
  10. Coursera:
  • Youtube channels
  2. The Net Ninja
  3. Traversy Media
  4. DevTips
  5. Google Developers
  6. LevelUpTuts
  7. SeeSoCode
  8. Academind
  9. Codevolution
  10. Web Dev Simplified


This concludes the 30 Days Frontend Development Roadmap. We hope this helped give you a general overview of the concepts and technologies used in front-end development. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reach out to me on my Twitter handle @iamatifriaz.

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Happy coding!

P.S. I'm also on Hashnode and click here to read this article on it.

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